Why Is Refinedbird Banned? .-.

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Emerald Miner
Like the title says, Why was he/she banned? I've looked through their postings, and it doesn't look like he/she did anything wrong .-.

So could someone inform me about what happened??



Blaze Estinguisher
Mini-modding. Excessively posting on appeals and reports like he's a staff member.
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Staff are the only ones to reply to an appeal. The decision belong to the staff members, and the staff members alone. All non-staff posts will be deleted!

Kinda wanna just throw this here. Seems like a good time. I feel like 50% of the users on the forum are guilty of this one. If you have something to actually add, extra information/proof of something, that's totally cool. But saying "Nice appeal. I hope you get unbanned" and whatnot is just pointless and can lead to warnings, which lead to forum bans. Just sayin'. o/
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