You May Think You're Popular, But You're Not.


Zombie Killer
Friends, let me tell you a story.... There was once a man, who thought he was important in life. He knew the king, he knew many lords, and he knew all about the sciences and studies you learn about in school. He knew about all there is to know. One day, there came a man named "Edmund Cartwright". He was the smartest man in the whole world, or what was thought was the world. When he came around, all the kings subjects, and friends, and even children, were forgotten. This, of course, includes our friend that this story is about. Now, the man thought that he could win himself back to the king. He did everything Edmund Cartwright could do, but the king didn't notice him. He tried different things. He became a comedian, of course back then, comedians were much different from how they are now. Instead of telling stand up jokes, they told long thought-out stories that had fairly interesting endings to them. The man, had to start at midieval pubs and bars and things like that, but eventually, he got to tell the stories to larger crowds. He knew it would take a while to win back the kings favor, so he decided to try harder. He stopped telling his best stories and told other things, that weren't as funny, but maybe would get him more popularity. The man, did not gain popularity at all. Soon enough, he lost his fame, and was again, nothing. He knew no kings, he knew no lords, he knew no one important. Eventually, Edmund Cartwright left. The man thought that this was great, and he could finally go see the king again. But as he went to go to the king's castle door, he found that there were guards. These guards were not there before. He told the guards who he was, but they did not let him in. Of course, since the king had forgotten about him, once he got his new guards, they didn't invite him to go into the kings castle, and certainly not to see the king. The man is now resorting to doing stunts. This wasn't as common as it is now, for we have more protection. He did stunts like tight-rope walking, and got a fair amount of people watching him. All his circus tricks were amazing, but the crowd wasn't as big, as when he went to give talks about his knowledge, when he was the kings best pal. He decided to be less theatric and more dangerous. His stunts turned into, climbing to the top of the the highest building he could find, and trying to jump into a pool of water that he created. I know that this is common in circus tricks now, but It was not back then. The people loved it. He did more and more stunts like these, until he broke his leg, and could do no more. From what he just did, he knew that the crowds loved suspense, and terror, so he decided to write stories of it. He started out with typical plot twists that would give you a short bang, but didn't stick with you. This wasn't working for him. He needed something that would last, something that would stick with them for a while. This is when he wrote "The Diary of the Frozen". The story of the man's book was that no one knows who wrote it and that's why it's "the Frozen". Of course we know it was written by our man. This is what the story contains

December 2
"My friend and I have decided to trek through the frozen wasteland by our home. He says that there's a suprise there and he really wants to show me. There's some group going with us, and he says that their guide has done this a million times. I told him that a million is impossible, and to do that he would have to have been living for almost 870 years. He said that it was an exaggeration.

December 3
I might keep this diary for the entire trip, my friend says that during the night we'll camp out in tents, and I thought that it was a great time to write in my diary. I'll tell you about what happens every day. So, today, we went to restaurant to celebrate, my friend, MJ, tells me it's a great idea to celebrate. After we got home he said we should leave a bit late, because last time he went, he waited for a while. Yes, MJ, has done this stupid trip before. At least it gives me confidence that we won't die.

December 4
We set out today, and we had no end of problems. One of the members of our group left his food at his hotel, didn't bring any food with him, he's about 20 years old. All the members of our group made it clear that he or she only brought enough food for his or herself. MJ stayed quiet, though, kind of suspicious if you ask me. I told him he could have a bit of my food every day, because like everyone else, I only brought enough food for myself.

December 5
The guide says that if anyone brought alcohol then it should be tossed into a bag that he has at that moment, a couple people came up, and put vodka bottles into the bag. MJ said, he brought some, and we should drink it tonight. I told him that we'd be caught, and he said that it would be fine, because he knew we wouldn't get drunk. We decided to only drink a bit, and then go to sleep, so we wouldn't lose the group. I'm still not sure about this idea.

December 6
As I was extremely worried about, we did, infact get drunk, and we did, infact lose the guide and the group. I almost tackled MJ, until he said that he knew the way that this tour went, and he would take us on that path.
We set out today and it was pretty kind of pretty, we saw some plants. Me, having only seeing white for a while, was overjoyed. I told MJ and he didn't care. He said we should keep moving or else we'll lose the group. I'll have to stop writing unless I need to write something important.

December 9
We still haven't found the group, MJ says just keep moving.

December 10
I dropped our breakfast, it was the last good food we had. We'll have to eat canned food and bread for the rest of the trip. Yay me, always making things better.

December 11
MJ hasn't talked at all, he's going at a pace I can't keep up with, and he isn't stopping. I tell him to slow down but he doesn't listen. Why was I ever friends with this guy. Today a lot happened, MJ and I got into a huge argument because we lost the tour what seems like years ago. I can't keep track of days out here, it's impossible. I tell him that we're going to die out here, and we should turn around. I told him that no surprise was worth all of what we're going through. Later that day, we found the group, or what was left of them, I saw a couple bodies that were ripped apart, but one was the worst. It had scratch marks all over it. Clawed into it's leg, I could read "WALK FASTER" but nothing else seemed to form words or letters. I saw the man that forgot his food too. He was pale and skinny, I could tell that he was going to die from a lack of food anyway.

December 12
MJ is dead. I killed him. He told me everything. He told me that he brought me out here, because the last time he went, he encountered the beast that killed them all. He told me that he made a deal with it. He said that he would bring someone out here every year for it to kill and eat. He also said that he took the man's food. He said he thought that bringing an extra person would get him off next year. I tackled him to the ground and punched him in the face over and over again. I lifted my head up to breath, then smashed my foot into his kneecaps and rip cage. I took our food and tent and decided to go back. I threw his sleeping pills into the snow though, let the bad die with the bad man.

December 13
I'm going to go home and I'm going to see my family and I'm going to tell everyone never to go back out there. I'll need to move houses as well. I've made good progress as well. Walked a lot today. I should be back out of here with in a couple days. As long as I keep moving. I won't die. Tonight I ate a sandwich. One that my father taught me how to make. Mmm, so good. Haven't had one of these in a while. I'm feeling kind of sleepy though. Wait what's this. Something just fell out of the sandwich. A little pink pill, and at my side, was an empty case of MJ's sleeping pills....

Now, if we'll go back to the original story, after this was released to the public, the man went insane. It is believed that writing this story actually made him insane. Now that both of our stories have ended, we can conclude that if you think that you're high up, or popular. Wherever you are. Once the real people come, you'll mean nothing.