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  • iAaaronn Can you remove a few chests for me please im on Snapcraft right now Can you pleased tpa
    PM me the coordinates on the forum. I will remove them when i can.
    iAaaronn!!!!!! silverfish have grifed survival spawn!!!! its a problem!!! a player get silverfish up to spawn and silverfish break all blocks at spawn area!!!!! fix it!!!! and change silverfish spawners to a cave spider spawner!!!
    plz iaaaronn update the server to 1.6.4 i bough a rank and i want to use it
    99% of the plugins are not updated yet. Wait for the bukkit update. For now, just downgrade your version back to 1.6.2.
    Yeah, there is hardly a difference between the 2 versions. Still cant wait for 1.7 though!
    iAaaronn how come when I go the the website to buy masterrank then I do all of the stuff then try to buy for paypal, it says its 40% off and only 15.00. Well I have 18.00 so I should be able to buy it but it says I dont have enough and need to pay with a credit card any idea why?
    That is probably because of the exchange rate. The server is based at europe, thus the price is 15 euros, not 15 dollars. Therefore, you have to convert it to your the currency you are using.
    Iknow u closed that thread but i'm sorry for cussing. I was really pissed off. I prommise it won't happen again. I don't ask for that money but i just want you to know it won't happen again. Sorry.
    Arron who is the co- owner mod of the server?
    The official owners of the server are Bas and Maarten.
    hello do u work on creative aswell becuase if u do i would like to report advertising ill msg u proof
    can i be unjailed? sorry for use "fastplace" i think that was enabled to server! sorry for it!!!! and a tip! make a sign in jail
    - NO FastPlace
    - NO FastBreak
    - NO Nuker
    - NO Timer
    "No hacking" is already there. Think before you act.
    can you restart Survival server??? its so lagg!!!!! all players in server say: this server lagg! help me and players on server!!! join now and restart!!!!
    Iaaronn I have a request, i'd like a map download for the minigame ZombieV. Is it possible i can get a copy of the map? Reply if possible, thanks.
    You would have to ask Bas, Felix, David, or Maarten about that.
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