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  • Hi there! So me and my friend were on Snapcraft Creative, and we both attempted to use a map. Both of our games crashed, and neither of us can get back onto Snapcraft Creative! Every time we attempt to get back into Creative, it shows this message: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.io.IOException: Packet 0/22 (iu) was larger than I expected, found 4 bytes extra whilst reading packet 22
    I'm also having the same problem and message.
    I've been banned for tp killing and i haven't even tp killed anyone but u_unicor kept spawning at our place killing us and grieving our house and taking our stuff so we had to kill him you can even ask legal_vveed i think is his name... i want my ban taken down as i did not commit it...
    So sorry to bother you, but I didn't know who else to talk to. On the Hunger Games server, these players "Neqir" and "Qute_Slime" pretty much trolled me, I guess. They pushed me in a portal and closed it off, and you don't teleport anywhere, you just stay there with the purple swirls everywhere.
    And I can't type, or do /home or do anything. Now every time I go on the Hunger Games server (the only one I really go on) it spawns me to the portal, and I can't leave. PLEASE teleport me to Spawn or something I need to get out of there!
    Thank you for your time a patience. -PolishPoppy
    Hey DaPolarBear, i have video evidence of someone named LuckyLena183 hacking in ZombieV. i dont know how to report it, so im just telling you. i can email the video to you if you want. thanks!
    hey, I was wondering how long the server has been around for. I hear it was created in 2012. Correct me if i'm wrong. welp, have a nice day! :-D -gunguy55
    Hey DaPolarBear, its me NadeSwiiv or new ign iNade , can you please unban me? I am banned for PvP hacks, I say the true, I used PvP hacks but only against hackers! I am VIP+ so that means I spended 40$... Please I am begging you !! I am PERMANENTLY BANNED from the server! Please answer when you see this messenge. I wont hack anymore !! :-( I love the server a lot!
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