faction suggestion

  1. W

    Added Modify Gen Buckets

    This is a suggestion for the factions gamemode as none of the other gamemodes have gen buckets. The whole concept of gen buckets is really great and I still like it as is but I would like to suggest a few add-ons. To start I think they should add sand gen buckets, building sand walls for massive...
  2. W

    Added Boost Factions fpower

    For those who don't play factions, 1 fpower is equal to 1 claim. Each claim is one chunk. The maximum amount of fpower a player can have (without fupgrades) is 20, and the lowest they can have is -10 power. I think the vanilla maximum should be boosted to 30, while the minimum gets boosted to...
  3. DerSuperPvP

    Suggestions on Faction server;

    Dear Staff Team, I got a suggestion for the faction server, which is like usual in minecraft faction but its gone since your new update any noone of the persons of the server i know like it. (sry) Chests should be able to get open by everyone because faction is for raid and get the enemy...