
  1. M

    My spawner is broken.

    Hi, I made a farm to collect drops but my spawner isn't even spawning any mobs?! can someone list the possibilities to why my spawner is spawning mobs? -Thanks...
  2. ImSuperEasy

    Exp isnt even relavant....Extremely Low

    My ign is MadisonParks, used to be ImSuperEasy, i have been arguing the same problems for a while now. Recently i just logged onto an alt my friend let me use so that i could see how long it takes to get 30 levels as a non-rank. I played for 8 hours of straight pvp and only made it to level 11...
  3. ImSuperEasy

    Revamp to Xp Balls dropping Every Kill

    In my opinion the map where xp balls instead of bottles dropping after every kill was the best map of snapcraft other than the lag. Now that the lag has been fixed but the plugins have been changed and taken away the server is a lot more dull, not as much fun or enchanting through the gametime...
  4. BeastyIsPvp

    Hello Everyone , I am BeastyIsPvp

    Hello everyone , I am BeastyIsPvp some of you may already know me some of you may still not know me. I play survival all the time and Earth Games. What I really love in this server are the rules.The rules are so clear and there are no players that are Toxic.Here's the...
  5. P


    Can you, if possible, make teleporting easier with friends so that you don't have to tpask every time? So like if they are in your friends list and they have full access to your region then you can just tp to them and not have to ask every time. If this is possible please take it into...
  6. Glu_Chan

    About myself

    I have been playing mc since I was 5 years old and I have been playing this server for nearly 2 years now, as some of u guys know I left this server for a little break and have away all my stuff and it was the best drop party in 2016 XD, reason I left was because of all the to killers that was...