
First Step
Hello everyone ,
I am BeastyIsPvp some of you may already know me some of you may still not know me. I play survival all the time and Earth Games. What I really love in this server are the rules.The rules are so clear and there are no players that are Toxic.Here's the 2nd thing I like about the server. When we report a bug or a suggestion the owner itself is checking and replying on it not like in other servers the owner are just doing programs and stuff but not checking the appeals and the reports and other stuff.But in this server the owner is very active in forums and in discord. Even though he/she is having a hard time to put some programs / codes in the server. He's still very active. The 3rd thing I like about this server are the staffs. The staffs are very active they play games not like other servers staffs their just in the lobby waiting for a report being afk. But in this server the staffs it self are playing Earth Games , Factions , Skyblock , and other mini games. This is why I love the server so much! Even if I want to tell more about this server. It would be boring to read but if you really want to continue reading it it's your choice!

The anti-cheat of the server is very good! I cannot see any hackers around the server. Also the maps of the server are very awesome! The builders and other staffs that built it are very patient to build a huge map and they have place tons or loads of efforts in it just for the fellow players that will be playing in the server. The staffs are also participating in the events like in the Easter Event. I forgot the staffs name but she/he kept on hopping minigames and lobbies just to get the egg before other players does. I hope you guys won't get bored in this server like I don't get bored. I want this server to grow! and grow! until it has 10,000+ members playing in it and they are very active I hope people would share the server to their friends and start playing in it for life time. I am not sure what's your comment for the server but my comment is "JOB WELL DONE STAFFS AND MEMBERS". Why did I say this? It is because they have placed tons of effort in this server!
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First Step
Thanks for all of your greetings! I really appreciate your welcoming for me! I hope we may meet at the server <3


Emerald Miner
Welcome to Snapcraft forums and server, make some friends while you are here! :-D


Zombie Killer
Hello and Welcome to the Forums and the Server! (y):-D


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! xD Yes, here Snapcraft staff members are amazing job to make this server successful!


Zombie Killer
Welcome Sir :)