A disappointing introduction.


First Step
I’ve been staring at this blank page for the last 5 minutes trying to think how to introduce myself.

Well, here goes nothing.


I’m Osati, I’m 24years old, and I started playing Minecraft back in 2010. I’d stopped playing about 2 or 3 years ago, and have recently begun playing again. Finding myself bored with singleplayer, I’ve decided to join the madness that is multiplayer

I enjoy travelling, and many of my holidays have been to the South of France, so expect Cathedrals and Castles; though meso-american architecture intrigues me.

Everyone likes music, Right?
I'm currently really enjoying Powerwolf and Orden Ogan; yes Pagan Metal, deal with it.
My first ever album I owned was Dancehall Places by Mint Royale. I still love the first song on the album, Blue Song

So, that’s me. Having poked about on your forums, I'm very much looking forwards to joining in on this server.

- my computer decided that now was a perfect time for an update, so this has all been written on my phone. Please let me know if I have any typos.

Edit: "Intrigued" into "Intrigues"; apostrophe on two instances of "I'm"
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Staff member
Your introduction we’re way better than mine at least ;-)


Zombie Killer
This intro cured my depression