Your name you wish to be called by: Seth or Crush
Your discord ID: __Crusher#5047
Your ign name: __Crusher
The global level you are on snapcraft: 160
How often are you online?: I am on a lot for about 3-5 hours weekday and 5-7 hours on a weekend (GMT)
Write a paragraph about yourself: I am a friendly, helpful, kind and funny person who loves to play minecraft. As I have played minecraft for so many years I have gained many skills which include tactics, commands and knowledge of MC in general. As I have strengths I also have some weaknesses. These include PvP (I am practising getting better) and redstone. Outside of MC I play lots of mobile games as I am a gamer. I also get paid to do tournaments on a mobile game. I also skateboard and play the keyboard, drums and guitar and can play multiple songs on both.
Why do you wish to join Anatomy?: I would like to join Anatomy as I would like to be part of a community and show off my skills and help people out if needed. I also believe that I would be the best player to accept into the family due to my personality which I included in the paragraph above. I can also have a laugh with people and make times better if they are down for some people (I don't joke around if its serious however).