Banned for 7 days

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First Step
I have no clue honestly as to why I have been banned for 7 days for hacking.... I just bought padalin that night and I am not silly enough to use clients after I have spent money on the server. I've only been playing Snapcraft for one day and I can already see staff are quite frankly abusing their power. Is there any proof of hacking? When I was banned there wasn't even a mod online. I do not use hacked clients, and I really do not want to wait a week before I can start playing again..... Please reconsider your decision.


Stone Miner
As staff we are given the right to punish those who have been found to be breaking the rules that are enforced on the server, just because you decided to buy a rank doesn't give you any exemption above any other player. There is sufficient evidence towards the reason as to why you were banned and therefor the punishment was issued. Before you accuse staff of 'Abusing their power', maybe reconsider what you could have done as the evidence is there. Once you have done that feel free to appeal the ban at selecting 'Appeals' for the department.
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