Banned w/ False Proof

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First Step
Evidence, I was banned just now with this as ''evidence'', as you might know my username Aidan224, and in the video it says Aidan297. Just something I wanted to point out, please take the time to look at usernames :-P. I'm getting unbanned because my good friend Ifartoutbacon pointed this out to the moderator, thankfully.

The question is will this ban be taken off of my record? (because honestly I shouldn't have even been banned and it was just a mix up so it shouldn't count on my record.)

EDIT 1: Apparently my ban hasn't been lifted yet, which is disappointing.

Edit 2: Will Aidan297 be banned because he/she is clearly hacking.

@ExtremeArc @Twiggy @Alfa505 @Leni @DaPolarBear
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Staff member
You didn't get ban with "false proof", the ban was a honest mistake due to the similarities of your name therefor it won't do you anything in the future. And the player who we're suppose to be banned has been taken care of.
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