Breezily Briding


Gold Miner
So I know I'm like 2 weeks late to posting this thread, as the video was posted 2 weeks ago. I thought I'd still post it because why not!

I am also curious to know if anybody else has managed to do this on Earthgames, and if it is still possible with the new anticheat/how hard is it with the new anticheat.

For those who don't know what breezily bridging is :
The term "Breezily Bridging" is used when a player creates a bridge without using the crouching feature. Doing this makes the process of creating the bridge much faster, but also much harder. In this video you should notice that I strafe left and right when moving, this is to slow me down enough so that both me and minecraft have time to realise that I need to place a block or else I'll fall. I am also moving backwards, since it's slower than moving forward when sprinting (and I dont want to accidently sprint). My cursor is also perfectly placed at the higher point in the side of the block as so that I have as much time as possible to place another block. I've also went in f5 but that's purely so that it's easier for you folks to see what is happening. I also change sides I strafe every time I place a block, because when you change sides you are the slowest.