Skyblock Buying Inventories Worth of Spawners in /shop and Improvements to the Crate System [Skyblock]


First Step
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Suggestion's Title
Buying Inventories Worth of Spawners in /shop and Improvements to the Crate System​

Suggestion Details
Addition of buying an entire inventory worth of spawners.
Currently, the only option to buy spawners is one at a time, the addition of an option to buy inventories worth of spawners would aid in user satisfaction.

(Details are provided in the extra information section)​

How could this idea help improve Snapcraft?
It would aid players in allowing them to spend less time sitting in the shop menu buying spawners and instead play the game enjoyably.​

Extra Information:
I often buy inventories worth of spawners at a time; however, doing so takes about 10 minutes of me sitting there and clicking while watching youtube videos on the side. This time could be spent developing my island and doing something more enjoyable instead of doing something repetitive; therefore, the addition of an option to buy an inventory worth of spawners in /shop would be great. Additionally, there's this current bug where if you have a full inventory and continue to buy spawners, the money will be drained out of your account, yet you won't receive the spawners. I have lost hundreds of millions thanks to this and would like for that to be fixed eventually with the update to the spawners in /shop.

Additionally, in regard to the current key/crate system. It would be better if there was a system to speed up opening crates or a rework of that system overall.
My current gripes with it include:
-Opening crates take too much time, especially when I have inventories worth of keys to open.
-Rare sell wands require a confirmation to remove from your inventory when you want to drop them on the floor, which wastes time.
-Legendary crates give loot that is sometimes worse than the items given out from rare crates (effects, spawner pickaxes, money) (this seems quite unfair for the horrible rate of obtaining the legendary keys in the first place) (I also believe a player named 0MNL previously did an experiment where he opened hundreds of millions worth of rare keys to find that the drop rate for the legendary keys are not actually what is posted in the rare crate (this experiment should have been posted on the old forums))

Further, regarding islands with hundreds of thousands of spawners (like mine, which causes FPS and possibly TPS to worsen), the addition of a plug-in that would
1. remove the mob spinning animation within each spawner
2. optimize hopper flow (currently hoppers flow at 1 stack per update or something like that, which I think could be increased further to prevent excess drops from accumulating on the floor and dropping FPS)
All would be great for the optimization of the game to run smoother.​


Tree Puncher
-Rare sell wands require a confirmation to remove from your inventory when you want to drop them on the floor, which wastes time.
Add a setting to disable it might not be a bad idea.

+1 on everything else stated, great suggestion.