Faction Top 5 - Month 4


Ghast Hunter
Faction Top 5

Thanks, everyone for participating this month, Here are the top 5 factions!
The top 5 faction's leaders have received Gems which can be used at https://snapcraft.net/store

Here are the Factions winners of month 4... (Your reward will be given in the form of /gems which can be used in /rewards to obtain gift codes)

  1. Ethreal $46.519.937 - €50 Paypal/€100 Store credit
  2. Buderpigs $44.710.742 - €40 Store credit
  3. Savages $38.946.828 - €30 Store credit
  4. Wardens $31.077.360 - €25 Store credit
  5. Stark $13.568.741 - €20 Store credit


Obsidian Miner
Good job! RIP Fallen