Added Factions suggestions and ideas for the next map

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Stone Miner
Hola ladies and gentlemen, I am going to list a few ideas and suggestions for the next map of factions.

this topic is kind of big so I am going to number the ideas for it.

1. Make a 5 man 10 roaster
, basically what 5 man 10 roster means is that you set the fac general member limit to 10, and youre only allowed 5 members on together so you could have 5 nas 5 eus playing on different time zones etc. obviously the players who arent in and are in roster can afk farms and search for bases, they just cant pvp or build or break or anything this will create a few things - it will allow smaller factions to compete, you can have 5 people during off shield time and win a map it will create more comp - big factions will have to split into multiple factions, and i doubt there will be a fac without 5 players in it. evens the game - you will have 5v5s on koths, raids, grace period. you wont be able to win because u have 3000 members in your fac now doing such thing can go both ways - players will either complain about it, or they will like and embrace the idea this is the standard on most servers, and it works really well

2. Buff other economies beside cactus: as of now pvp/caverns/koths/spawners/fishing/envoys/sugarcane are kind of too weak and cannot compete to the broken cacfarms. Cactus farm have the ability to make 100M + a day while the other options are far behind, they are too op and it makes the server a big "afk wars" - the more you afk those farms the more you make. that leads the server to be dead and not active.
in order to balance it out, the other options should be buffed and cactus should be nerfed.
koth is kinda bad since the big factions with alot of members and ally can easily overtake it and the loot is not so good very outdated and out of the meta.
fishing is just bad.
caverns could be good if they gave more cash and the mobs were passive and not hostile.
spawner farms - as of now iron golems which is the most exepensive spawner and it is just too bad since the drop rate is slow and you cant have a big farm because its too hard to get them.
cow farms are meta because you can easily get them and they give a nice amount of cash.
creeper farms - right now creepers are usless because they drop gunpowder and not tnt.
Envoys - envoys were always accessible for all of the players but their loot was no bueno, I think adding spawners as a drop to them will be a good buff as well as removing useless drops like sponge and obsidian.
sugarcane is a good form of making cash despite the fact it needs to get buffed, and a harvester hoe plugin should be added

3. printer mode: This topic is very important, having a reliable printer is a must in term of raiding/defending. to make a fair and a high quality gameplay printer mode should have creative mode, as of now printer is just unreliable and you cant trust it. printing a cannon in term of raiding/defending takes too long and it harms the fair play since if a player prints a cannon before you have a counter ready to defend it takes for the defending side a good amount of time to set a counter.
how to fix it?, adding creative mode to printer should solve the lack of quality when it comes to slowness and ghost blocks.

4. new rules to rebalance general things and to make it more understandable:
Credit to Betterping who made the list -

5. disable 1.17 swimming: This topic is super important, it is just an unfair advantage

6. nerf obsidian durability from 12 to 3: Obsidian at 12 dura is just too powerful and it also cause other type of nukes look like pseudo

7. buff hellreaver key: the loot right now is too bad compare to the process of beating the boss, the chances of pulling a good reward from the key is very low.

Quality of life ideas:

- Throwable ceggs, bases are unraidable without them. Its just impossible to complete a raid
- make creeper spawners drop tnt, takes too long to buy tnt from shop.
- add a roaming commad, its a must thing since you need to get coords to spawners.
- raid timers explained -
- patch gens, ignore water surface
- disable fly warm up its terrible, instead make it impossible to fly when enemies are nearby just like with f home command
- SHORTER MAPS - 1 month, 1 week grace 3 weeks tnt or 2 month, 2 week grace rest tnt
- remove usless enchants and make it easier, its too hard to get speed which is the most important enchant.
- recruitment channel explained -
- add factions start of the world and end of the world end date.
- end of the world event
- raid events


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