Giveaway Winner


Gold Miner
Hey guys!

Thank you all so much for entering the VIP+ Giveaway.
Sorry for the delay, Wifi is't very good.
Here is a link to the video:
Congratulations to the winner! Look forward to the next
giveaway which will be on KitPvP



Staff member
Congratulations to who won, I can't see it I'm not at home right now. GL to anyone applying in the future.
EDIT: I just saw it, Gratz Grizzle, have fun ma bear lol. <3


Iron Miner
Good vid and gongratz to the winner, also I support Liverpool and i agree with most your predications :)


Iron Miner
Also just wanted to ask for the next giveaway am i allowed to enter my friends ign so he can win as he doesn't have a rank on KitPvP (I do) i didn't want to tell him as i thought it would be a pretty cool surprise to come on and see it.


Gold Miner
Also just wanted to ask for the next giveaway am i allowed to enter my friends ign so he can win as he doesn't have a rank on KitPvP (I do) i didn't want to tell him as i thought it would be a pretty cool surprise to come on and see it.

Hey Finlxy,
I will send you a PM when I do the next giveaway and
yes, you can enter for your friend.


Blaze Estinguisher
Congrats to person who won that +VIP


Zombie Killer
Wait wtf I won LOL. I have been inactive and checked this on 9/8/2016 when this was made 9/1/2016.
EDIT: I checked and im not vip+, what is your ign so I can contact you Campo?

BTW: I am like 95% sure that I dont have to be online when you buy it so if you are waiting for me to log on you don't have to.
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