

First Step
I am MCKakashii and I'm new to the forums, not the server. I've been playing on snapcraft for about 2 years. Before the earth games and zombie z updated. Though, I don't play on zombie z anymore because I lost all my items for some reason, I don't know if it was of changing my user a 4 times. I love to draw. My favorite game on this server is earth games. I hate to say this, but I use to hack for about a month. I am being very honest but that was about a year ago. And I don't hack anymore. I am really good at pvp not an expert but good. I love to blockhit but some people mistaken me for hacking. I am very friendly. I try to report but I can't because I don't record because of privacy. Hopefully, you see me on the server and play with me :)


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! :)

Also only admins are able to tp other people around. Pro rank gets /tp but you can only tp to someone, not tp someone to you. Hope this issue gets fixed soon! :-D