

First Step
Hello my name is Ender, I've been playing on this server for a little bit now and i'm absolutely in love! I hope I can get to know more about the server and the games it has in store for me!


Zombie Killer
cool name ender. Can I ask is that a reference to ender from Enders game or the ender in minecraft. Probably the later I suspect but still a neat name. Welcome welcome.


Emerald Miner
Welcome Ender! Glad you are here. :)

Make sure to enjoy your stay on our forums!


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! I glad that you love Snapcraft! :)


First Step
cool name ender. Can I ask is that a reference to ender from Enders game or the ender in minecraft. Probably the later I suspect but still a neat name. Welcome welcome.
hello! and thanks for the welcome! Ender actually came from partly minecraft but also the word End/Ender for example Ender is the ender of suffering she brings joy and happiness wherever she goes. But like I said a lot of it did come from Minecraft because of my favorite mob the Enderman or Enderdragon.