Hey, I'm Seif Wessam!

Seif Wessam

First Step
Hey there, I'm Seif Wessam - aka Scoopy! I'm a 15 year old senior high school student based in Alexandria, Egypt. Passionate about learning new things, music, and programming. I spend my free time writing code and listening to Spotify.

My interest in programming started back in 2018 when I created my first Python program. On the 10th of November, 2018, I created my first Discord bot (Scopes) which is now in over 300 Discord servers. Now, I am studying IT with Web Development. In my current role, I'm working mainly with Bootstrap, Tailwind and Bulma to create applications that work across multiple platforms.


Gold Miner
welcome to the forums :-D


Obsidian Miner
hey ! welcome to our forums :-P

you seem quite talented, keep it up :-D


Iron Miner
Welcome to the forums!


Staff member
300 servers? sounds impressive. Welcome :)


Tree Puncher
I'd love to see some of your work sometime, I've also been learning how to program/develop. Welcome to Snapchat!!!