Hey It's Haloss


First Step
Hey guys, I just recently started playing this server because I was in need of a new KitPvP server so I could improve on my weaknesses. I ran into a couple toxic and yet non-toxic players as well, I've been having a decent experience if I could say so in the least. The only major problem that I have noticed is the amount of players that client on the daily. They don't make the server fun and definitely cant improve on people who have unfair advantages! That said, I've enjoyed my time overall thus far, which led me to buying Paladin lol. You can find me on the KitPvP server almost everyday, feel free to say hi, I promise I don't bite ;-) I'm friendly yet competitive and I look forward to getting to know everyone and the community!


Staff member
Hello hi, see u around on kit ;-)


Tree Puncher
Heya Haloss! enjoy your time on kitpvp! :-P


Emerald Miner
welcome to the forums! :)