I'm new,here is a little paragraph about me x3


Tree Puncher
Hey guys,my name is Avelyn and I am new to this server and I can't wait to get to meet some of you guys and I hope that you all have a great time on this server c; and hope you all have a good day,right here is a few things about myself, I am called Avelyn like I said but I prefer to be called Ave but I don't mind if you call me Avelyn cx,I'm Fifteen,I enjoy building and I also have been on 5 build teams but I recently resigned from the one I was currently on because I was busy most of the time so I couldn't join in with the speed builds or the planning so I resigned from my position but I also resigned because I thought that I had been on the build team for quite some time and I thought that I should let another unique person take my place on the build team c:,that's all I want to say about myself I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little about me, hope you have a nice day - Ave


Iron Miner
Welcome to the forums and server-Ave :3


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! xD

I hope see you around on Creative. You can application for Build Battle. Here you chance. :)


Zombie Killer
Hello and Welcome to the Forums, Ave! Hope to see you on the server! (y):-D:)