

First Step
Hello, I am Lozz, I've just recently joined the community. I used to play somewhat on the server about a year ago but not that often. I decided that I am going to play more on the server as it seems to be a nice experience so far. You will mainly see me around on the zombie, kitpvp & parkour server.

Incase anyone is interested in my hobbies, I play football (soccer) and I love programming in my free time. I hope to see you all on the server soon!


Void Walker
Welcome to the Snapcraft forums!


Stone Miner
Hello, I am Lozz, I've just recently joined the community. I used to play somewhat on the server about a year ago but not that often. I decided that I am going to play more on the server as it seems to be a nice experience so far. You will mainly see me around on the zombie, kitpvp & parkour server.

Incase anyone is interested in my hobbies, I play football (soccer) and I love programming in my free time. I hope to see you all on the server soon!
Welcome to the community, I also program so if you need any help hmu


Void Walker
I find your tone towards the new members aggressive and distasteful, sir. I hope you do not think I am proud of you... for i am not.

I don't try to be offensive in anyway nor I plan to be in the future.


Staff member
Welcome back to the server and we're glad you're enjoying your time! :)