Kawaii_Jace Here! New to Forums!

Jace Lee

First Step
Hey everyone! Kawaii_Jace here!
Im new to Snapcrafts forums even though Ive played the server for a good.. 4 months I believe. I've decided to join the forums so I can apply for staff and to get known faster! If you ever wanna talk, add me on skype! In the message to add me make sure to include your IGN and that you met me here and where you play on Snapcraft!
My skype is ilovepawpal

Now here are some facts and info about me!

My real name is Emily but Ive gone by Jace for 3 years now!
I am 16 years of age as of July 17th.
I am into stereotypical "emo" music but I listen to anything and everything!
I wear all black and my hair is black and I generally am depressed but I make people happy and thats what matters!
Im a singer, a gamer, an artist, and over all of that, I AM AN OTAKUU!!
I love anime and Japanese culture, but neither of those things have to do with the other :-P
I live in the very hot state of Florida and I live in the Central area of it!
I am in Eastern Standard Timezone!
I am a Sophmore in highschool because I was held back this year BUT I am graduating this year from highschool so I dont mind the grade that I am in!
Im a very friendly person and I take rules very seriously! I am easy to get along with, even though I have severe social anxiety! I care about everyone the same even though others may get more attention. Dont think just because I dont respond to you or we dont talk that I dont love you because I love everyone <3

If you wish to know anything else about me, message me on skype!

Again, Kawaii_Jace here, bringing this introduction out with a *dabs* and a *whips* xD
Im Scene trash ;D


Gold Miner
Welcome :-D


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome Jace to the forums!