Keep Getting Banned because my cousin was banned!

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First Step
Hello. My IgN is Komotari. My cousin is over at my house for the break and I told him about SnapCraft. He joined and was pvping on kitpvp. I'm not sure if he was hacking but I have never seen anyone say in chat he was. LegitMon banned him and then proceeded to banning me because I'm apparently an "Alt" account. I am very upset because he is my cousin and he will be here for a week and I am getting banned because of him. I have been playing on SnapCraft for a while now and know people on different type of servers. I would really like it if my cousin gets punished and not me. I was on playing at the same time he was so I can't possibly be an alt account. I love SnapCraft and it is the only server I play on. (My cousins ign: EricPlayzMC) I have not seen anyone say he is hacking in chat but if he is then oh well he can get banned but please not me. I truly love SnapCraft. If there is some way to check how long I've been on and how long he has been on touch would understand that he barely found out about the server and I have been playing for a while. Please help!
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