

Zombie Killer

Recently I came up with a idea for the Prisons server. I think it would be a cool feature if we where to put in loans as a feature to the game.

About the Idea:

  • Players would come to /warp loan, or to a special area to take up a player loan.
  • I am leaving this part up to the community. Loans could rather be for money, or for items in shop. Both of these ideas will be explained in two different sections of this post.
Money Loan:

  • To receive a loan you would go to a special warp called /warp loan. In this place you can receive your loan.
  • I am also leaving this part up to the community, but players who need a loan only have a few selections on how much money they would be taking. The available loans could vary depending on what mine you are in when using. For example, a player in Mine A would have the option to take out a few thousand, where as a player from Mine Z would be able to take out a few million.
Item Loans:

  • In this loan, a player instead of taking a loan out on money, would take a loan on an item. This would likely only be for /shop items as it would mess with the AH system if it worked on different things.
Defense and a lil more:

"Players would abuse this feature." Players would not be able to abuse this feature. Once taken a loan on an item, you have to pay back an extra sum of money.

For the item loan, an apple would usually cost about 1000 dollars. If a player really needed one, they could get the apple for only 500. Though, after a day or so the player will have 1000 or so taken from their account for such item. So you would be paying 1500 instead of the original 1000 dollars, but you would get it then and when you needed it.

For a money loan, a player would take out lets say 1M dollars. They would have this 1M dollars to use freely. After a day or two, the keeper would then take 1.5M from their account in return. Though it may be a long term loss, if you really needed the money you could use this feature.

"Players would take many loans at once." Players could only have one loan out at a time. Players may also pay back the loan early(Before the timer is up), so they could use another loan sooner.

"This is not a needed feature, and it is too technical for Prisons." While prisons is a very straight forward server, in my opinion it should have a little bit of a more technical side. As well, with this feature, a player does NOT have to use this to progress. This would be a side for players who want something a bit less straight forward. As for being a needed feature, I feel that players could really use this type of thing to their advantage. It would also be unique to other servers, bringing in new players Snapcraft.

"This could create a negative balance!" To take out a loan, first a player must not have a negative balance to begin with. This means if a player were to take out a loan and get into the negative balance, they could not simply take out a larger loan to escape the negative. They would have to work their way out them selves. This is also the reason that only certain amounts can be taken depending on your Mine level. If a player from Mine A where to take a loan of 1M, and have to pay back 1.5M, it would be almost impossible to escape the negative area. With the feature of certain amounts taken out per rank, players cant go to far into the negative area, so they can always get out of it.

"This is a prison, not a bank. This is simply not OK for the prisons theme." To this I say, in the server we have areas set out where prisoners are able to pvp, enchant, mine, run around, make homes, and many other things. I see no reason that a simple bank loaner would not fit in with this crazy set of things in the prisons area. As well, we could instead of making it some type of bank loaner, would could make it some type of shady character that can give out loans. This would allow for a better fit into the prisons server.

"Too many bugs would be created with this update, many people would find a way to abuse it!" Almost everything to do with balances(Ah, shop, ect) in the prison server has some way to be abused. All of them, though, are still a major part of the game. If we add this to the server, it will act no differently than the other balance systems.

Anyways, that is my idea. If you want to add anything, see any spelling bug or something, just let me know! I will change/edit things as seen fit.


-TheNextHero <3



Void Walker
Good idea! Try putting this in "Suggestions" to get your point across.