Make profit of others art


Iron Miner
Hello. I enjoy creating map art, as well as I know other players do. It takes a lot of time to make them, and a fun way to make money. But it is an issue. Other players make a lot of profit selling my art, and other players art in shops, without asking creators permission. I loose a lot of money when they sell my art very cheap. I find it rude, when I spend hours on it and a lot of effort. Should it be some rules about this so the credit gets in right hands?

Do people agree? Or am I lost in space?


Obsidian Miner
I think if you make an agreement with someone, for example you explicitly state that they are NOT allowed to sell or reproduce your art, then they should be held accountable should they breach that


Obsidian Miner
I understand that players reselling your art for super cheap/profit is really not the best, as you were the one who put time and effort into that map art. However, I guess when someone buys something, players are free to do what they wish with their item, and they have the ability to resell it via /ah or other selling methods. Not sure if it's something that can be stopped really. Obviously you can ask them before they buy it to not resell it, but then again you don't know what they're gonna do with it.
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Obsidian Miner
I could understand that this may be frustrating as that is what you spent your time on and someone just uses it for their own profit, but realistically thinking, how well can that be prevented? As honey stated as well, when they buy it they're free to do what they wish with the item they just bought, yeah? It doesn’t sound realistic that players would be banned for this and to make it a punishment that we can properly enforce. It’s similar to if someone spends their time or money grinding for a sword to sell on /ah and a player buys to re-sell for a higher price to make profit. If we banned for that, it’d just sound silly.


Staff member
I understand the frustration but there’s really not any good solutions to stop people from doing it. Maybe they don’t want the map anymore and wants to sell it quick so they sell it for cheaper (for example) and you shouldn’t really be punished for that.