Master Rank On Creative.


Gold Miner
I made this thread to say something about the master rank on creative.This rank gives you /item and //wand etc.But what i think the /tp command is not needed and is very abusive.Lets say i had a bunch of cool items and op stuff in a chest on my plot.I don't see an sense of it, /ta makes it so the person has to accept the tpa to get to that person./tp makes it so the person doesnt have to accept, so it ruins people "privacy". A master could just tp to me and take whatever i had.This lets people just teleport to anyone and i think that is overly abused.I doubt a change will be made to the /tp command for masters.But i just wanted to share what i thought about to see who agrees with me.
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Creeper Hugger
I'm pretty sure there were some flaws when you gave an item to another player (Most likely as a skin comp prize). I've learned not to type in chat that you're giving away something to another, because other players won't know when you're doing it. Secondly, whenever I give an item, I make sure to give it away underground (Secretly) or on another plot (If you have the Master rank you can have up to 5 plots max), that way they won't be able to see you. When a player /tps to me when I don't want him/her there, I ignore; I try not to make a huge deal out of it otherwise they'll be more interested in "bothering" you more.

Do it secretly.


Gold Miner
I'm pretty sure there were some flaws when you gave an item to another player (Most likely as a skin comp prize). I've learned not to type in chat that you're giving away something to another, because other players won't know when you're doing it. Secondly, whenever I give an item, I make sure to give it away underground (Secretly) or on another plot (If you have the Master rank you can have up to 5 plots max), that way they won't be able to see you. When a player /tps to me when I don't want him/her there, I ignore; I try not to make a huge deal out of it otherwise they'll be more interested in "bothering" you more.

Do it secretly.
I didn't give an item to a player.Im just saying that if you are doing something on your plot a random person can tp to you and annoy you.


Creeper Hugger
I didn't give an item to a player.Im just saying that if you are doing something on your plot a random person can tp to you and annoy you.
I said that you can ignore them, make it not interesting for them. Don't snap at them otherwise they know it's working to annoy you.