No Master Rank Anymore Because Of New Server.


First Step
Hello, I'm not new and stuff I'm just here to say that I was here ages ago, and I had a Master rank. I lost the server ip a while back and I couldn't find it until I was looking on some minecraft server website and found it again. I recently found out that this server has restarted and stuff and I was surprised that I didn't have the master rank still, it's fine if you don't give it back to me but I'm just saying that I lost it and stuff.
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Zombie Killer
Welcome back Mr.doge, glad to see you found the ip, similar happened to me XD
I'm not entirely sure when but there was a reset problemthing where alot of people lost their ranks and needed it to be replaced though I wasn't here at the time and don't know the specifics. There's a forum post with sort of a waiting list where people post their names and get their ranks back. Though maybe proof would be needed, I'm unsure.

Welcome back again though and if you need that forum page, I'll be happy to find it and link it for you :)