Declined Overhaul and balance earthgames.

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First Step
As earthgames stands, there are a lot of issues which drives away new players and causes a massive imbalance in gameplay.

It's broken.
There's no other way to put it. When you have a lot of regular players who are VIP and cross teamed, there's no VIPs to fight other VIPs. The rank needs to be nerfed. The kit has high resistance to the coin shop power 3 bow and is very hard to kill. The kit should be reduced to leather, and the protection enchantments upped to 4 or 5. the pants should have something like projectile protection 2 with unbreaking. The stone sword is fine, and the bow should not have punch on it, it should be just like the normal kit bow (Infinity 1 Unbreaking 10). I also think VIP should have 3 golden apples instead of two.
Member rank
Considerably useless to have on earthgames.
And it shouldn't be. The member rank should get some more "juice" on earthgames, like putting fire protection or projectile protection on the pants, with unbreaking 10 to match the rest of the armour. The sword and bow are fine as they are. Member rank should get 3 golden apples instead of the regular 2 golden apples. Member rank should also get a iron shovel instead of a stone shovel.

No rank
This ranks kit is perfectly fine, just that I feel that the pants should get unbreaking.

-Coin Shop Chest
Add a axe to the coin shop chest, as people sometimes are peaceful on earthgames and build, and there is wood present on all the maps.
2. Increase the price on all vip-only items.
3. Remove the diamond in the shop chest and replace it with iron instead. As with removing the chainmail vips, the diamond armor will be too strong and 1 diamond player could steamroll an entire enemy team.
4. Make the shop pickaxe diamond and increase its price
5. Make the shop shovel have efficiency 5 and double its price. This would make it not only useful to regular players, but also VIPs as the coin shop chest should have the best items available to everyone.
6. Add torches in the coin shop (32 torches for 1 coin). Can't get enough torches on EG!

-Unbreakable Items
Making the gear unbreakable would add a more arcade-like feel to the game and would eliminate the need to put unbreaking 10 on all the gear. Unbreakable items can be made with adding the NBT tag {Unbreakable:1} to the item.

-Store coin boosters
I think it would be a great interest if there was a Earthgames coin booster in the store, like ones that give twice the amount of coins for a limited time (Stacks with VIP, so if there was an active booster VIPs would make 4 coins per kill).

-Combat Tag plugin
This has been an issue brought up multiple times, and I think it shouldn't be ignored as combat tag plugins are essential for PvP based gamemodes.

-Make wool breakable!
Makes it more cool if I want to completely erase red base and theres nothing left of it.

-Implement a killstreak plugin
Would be a just for fun kind of thing and there could be rewards at certain points of a killstreak like giving the player 1 golden apple per 5 kills, or 5 coins awarded per 10 kills in a killstreak.

Increase game kill limit to 200
When there's a lot of people in the game, it moves very fast and the games do not last long.

Enable all earthgames maps.
Having more maps is fun, and when all 4 maps are enabled, it makes for more variety and less stale gameplay. There is 1 map missing its name is Underground, and would be fun to have re enabled alongside Battlegrounds, Castle Siege, and Mushrooms. Would be fun to also have seasonal maps.


Obsidian Miner
I agree with this suggestion, especially that the VIP rank needs changed quite a bit as currently a vip can just kill a nonrank in a few hits. Would be nice to have 4 maps, doesn't hurt. Also that member rank could use some sort of its own kit so it isn't completely useless.


Creeper Hugger
Some great ideas there. I do agree with wow with the member rank suggestion, could definitely be some additional perks with it in order to increase incentive on becoming a member of the server!


Staff member
It would be nice to remove the chain and just go with protection leather armour instead, so it's not as unbalanced. Theres some neat suggestions here for sure.


Tree Puncher
I agree with nearly everything on your list of suggestions. My top three problems with Eg that I would like changed are the VIP rank's gear, a combat tag, and higher map variety. There have been maps built for Eg by the community before that I feel have been largely ignored that maintain the iconic dirt theme. If I had to name a fourth that you didn't include on this list, it would be team balancing. Although I believe nerfing the VIP kit may solve this problem, watching a team of just a few players get completely demolished by 5-10 VIPs who all swapped makes me feel sympathetic to the players who can't experience what the gamemode was built around:-PVP. This is the main force that is driving away new players. If there will be no changes that nerf the VIP gear, then maybe adding a stricter team sorting plugin or even removing /swap would be a good way to balance teams and encourage new players to stay. After years, it feels like the Eg community isn't any different. It's been made up by the same people who have truced with everyone in game and purchased the VIP rank. In fact, I'd argue that the only way a player can survive in the community is by purchasing the rank. That said, I like the idea of substituting what VIP already has with other benefits (store coin boosters, more gaps, more unlockable perks, etc.). I believe I said something similar on another thread around a year or two ago, but any updates at all to Earthgames would be nice. It's felt like a neglected part of Snapcraft for as longer than I've been playing.

P.S. I disagree with more torches because some players enjoy placing hundreds down and lagging the trash computers. Instead, disable the day-night-cycle like Battleground so players don't have to increase their gamma or spam torches just to see who they're fighting.


First Step
Like on the entire server, there is extra hearts. On kitpvp this is limited to 24, and I think that it should also be limited on earthgames to further make it balanced.


Stone Miner
if y'all get approved i'll make some new maps for this place
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