Prison Official Guide


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Prison Official Guide
Hello and welcome to the Official Snapcraft Prison Guide. Within this guide you will find everything you could ever want to know about Prison. Hopefully this will answer any of your questions. Learn about the variety of awesome features and how to use them to enhance your own gameplay!

What is Prison?
Prison is a gamemode in which players will receive money from mining. You will begin your journey in Mine A and as you earn more money, you can rank up to a higher mine. The higher the mine you go, the more valuable the ores/blocks you will receive - meaning more money. You can do this until you reach the final prestige mine and then continue to flex your level on the rest of the server! There are multiple features and plugins on our Prison Gamemode, continue reading to discover them all.

Getting Started:
Being brand-new on any server is not easy, so here are some top tips on how you can get started, integrate your way into the community and be a part of the winning gangs! Getting started and playing on the best Prison server has never been easier.

The main way to get money throughout your prison experience remains mostly the same, that being mining! You will be given a pickaxe, backpack and a custom made costume when you first join as part of your starter kit All three of these components can be upgraded, and will quickly allow you progress through the mines by ranking up!

Mine the blocks, sell your backpack, earn tokens and then re-invest them into making your pickaxe even better by using some of our new custom enchants! Read through the rest of the guide for some more information on these points, and see how you can become the Boss of our Prison Gamemode!

Commonly Used Commands:
Click the spoiler to view the most commonly used commands on the Prison Gamemode:
Teleports you back to the spawn area.

Brings up a GUI shows all available kits.

/kit <Name>
Will give you the kit which has been requested if your permissions allow it.

Sells at the items in your backpack.

Brings up a GUI showing all the server mines.

Shows all available Snapcraft Prison warp locations.

Lists all 7 vote links.

Displays the amount of beacons in your personal balance.

Leaderboard for who has broken the most amount of blocks.

Brings up the autominer GUI.

Have an overview of what to spend tokens on.

Brings up the XP shop.

Review your personal stats

/cell help
Shows all available commands for cells.

Brings up the server shop.

/bal <Username>
Displays the balance of a player.

Shows the richest players on the server

Allows you to progress your mine level

When reaching mine Z you can prestige to get a sell multiplier and access to more mines.

Brings up the GUI which requires a certain amount of blocks.

/warp pvp
Teleports the player to the PvP Arena.

/msg <Username> <Message>
Sends a message to the specified player.

Brings up the friends GUI.

/fmsg <Username> <Message>
Sends a message you a friend that you have on the server.

/pay >Username> <Amount>
Pays the specified amount to the player.

/paytoken <Username> <Amount>
Allows players to pay others in tokens.

Stop players from being able to pay you.

Displays all available staff that are online.

Brings up the goldshop so you can purchase special items.

Brings up the auction house to browse items.

/ah sell <Amount>
Sells the item you are holding for the specified amount of money.

/ah sell <Amount> token
Sells the items you are holding for the specified amount of tokens.

/ignore <Username>
Ignore a player so you cannot see their messages.

Gangs, and Useful Commands:
We have revamped our gang system this season! Making some much needed improvements all around. They are more important than ever before, as we have introduced payouts! The top 3 gangs each week will get gold as a payout! Have the most after 6 weeks and get real-life money on top of an increased amount of gold! Make sure to know all the commands and the benefits they can have for your gang.

Gang Missions:
Browse all the available missions for your gang by using /g missions. Work on them together as a team, to get the job done quicker. You can get extra missions, by spending your gang bucks on gang perks! This can be accessed by using /g missions.

Gang Perks:
Gang perks allows you to upgrade a variety of things to give your gang the edge against the competition. Spend those hard earned gang bucks to get: extra missions, more members, vaults, token bonuses, and sell multipliers! This can be accessed by using /g missions.

Gang Bank:
This feature allows specific members of the gang to deposit and withdraw the four main currencies on our Prison Gamemode. Make sure to configure the gang permissions correctly to manage who can withdraw the following currencies: Money, Tokens, Gems and Beacons. This is the location to deposit your beacons in-order to place on /g top, but more information on that later in the guide!

Click the spoiler to see all gang commands:
/g help all
List all the gang commands.

/g create <Name>
Create a new gang.

/g show <Gang>
View information about the specified gang.

/g stats
See all the stats for your gang.

/g desc <Description>
Change your gang description.

/g kick <Username>
Kick a player from your gang.

/g level
See all available levels and the rewards.

/g leave
Leaves your current gang.

/g rename <Name>
Change the name of your gang.

/g list <Page>
Lists all gangs.

/g tag <Name>
Sets the gang tag.

/g perm
Sets the permissions for the gang.

/g settings
Manage all the gang settings.

/g ally <Gang>
Allies with one gang.

/g neutral <Gang>
Sets a gang as neutral.

/g teamchat <Message>
Sends a message in gang chat.

Toggles gang chat.

/g invite <Username>
Invites the specified player to your gang.

/g missions
See all available gang missions.

/g accept <Gang>
Accepts an invite to that gang.

/g promote <Username>
Promotes the specified player within your gang.

/g setleader <Username>
Transfers leadership of the gang.

/g demote <Username>
Demote a gang member.

/g disband
Disbands your gang, must be the leader.

/g mute <Username>
Mutes a player in your gang from talking in gang chat.

/g unmute <Username>
Unmutes a player in your gang.

/g top
View the top gangs.

/g perks
Opens the gang perks menu.

Cells are our new feature which allow players to store their items, make the comfiest cell possible, and share it with their gang friends! Other in-mates can also visit your cell, so make sure it looks good for them!

Depending on your rank, you can make your cell look nicer from the offset. There are 4 different cells to choose from. If you regret your choice, or want to experiment with the different options, you can do /cell delete and then create it again.

There is a whole host of commands relating to cells, click the spoiler below to view them!

/cell help <Page>
View all the commands for cells.

/cell create
Make a new cell for your gang.

/cell sethome <Name>
Set a new home.

/cell delhome <Name>
Delete the specified home.

/cell home <Name>
Teleports to the home that you have set.

/cell show <Username>
Shows you information about other players' cells.

/cell invite <Username>
Invites the specified player to your cell.

/cell kick <Username>
Kicks the specified player from your cell.

/cell makeleader <Username>
Sets the specified player as the new leader for your cell.

/cell leave
Leaves the cell that you are currently stood at.

/cell chat
Toggles a chat between only your cell mates.

/cell visit <Username>
Visits the cell of the specified player.

/cell upgrades
View all the possible upgrades.

/cell settings
Change the settings to personalise your cell.

/cell lock
Stops other players from visiting your cell.

/cell border
Changes the colour of your cell border.

/cell disband
Disbands your cell, all progress will be lost.

/cell ban <Username>
Bans someone from being able to access your cell.

/cell mute <Username>
Mutes the specified player from talking in cell chat.

/cell accept <Username>
Accepts a player into your cell.

/cell unban <Username>
Unbans the specified player from your cell.

/cell coop <Username>
Give the specified player temporary access to use and interact with your cell.

/cell coopaccept <Username>
Must be invited, and gives you access to interact with the players cell.

/cell uncoop <Username>
Removes the specified players permissions to interact with your cell.

/cell promote <Username>
Gives the specified player more permissions on your cell.

/cell demote <Username>
Removes permissions from the specified player at your cell.

/cell expel <Username>
Temporarily kicks the specified player from your cell.

/cell setwarp <Name>
Sets a warp that can be accessed.

/cell delwarp <Name>
Deletes a pre-existing warp.

/Mines GUI:
As you rankup and progress through your Prison experience, (using the /rankup command), you will get the option to mine at higher level mines. These are bigger, and the blocks contained within them are worth more in value. You can easily tell which mine you’ve unlocked, as there will be a minecart with a chest icon! Simply click on a mine you’ve unlocked to teleport there.

If you have a rank, you have the option to use the donator mines, which can be found at the bottom of the GUI. Robber rank and above can also use the command /rankupmax to save them some time!

There are two pages to /mines, all the prestige mines can be found on this second page.

Pickaxes, Backpacks and Tokens:
A pickaxe and backpack, the two most important features of Prison, so it is important you understand how to use them! Upon joining, you will be given a pickaxe with efficiency 10, allowing you to instantly break blocks. As you break these blocks, they will be stored inside your backpack, (which is the chest). To sell these items for money, type /sellall, or press your drop key. You will also earn tokens, which are used to upgrade your pickaxe and backpack.

To upgrade both of these, simply hold your ‘sneak’ key, and right click. This will bring up a unique GUI for each, and with their simple layout, you can easily see all the available options.

Some enchantments for your pickaxe require it to be prestiged, which is achieved by mining a specific amount of blocks, and having the required amount of total enchantments. Here is a table of all the enchants, what they do, how they can be unlocked and their maximum level.

EnchantDescriptionMaximum LevelHow to unlockRequired Pickaxe Prestige
Efficiency Breaks blocks faster250Unlocks from the start0
FortuneGet extra blocks whilst mining 250Unlocks from the start0
ExplosiveCreates an explosion which will break extra blocks whilst mining 500Unlocks from the start0
Token GreedGives a chance to find extra tokens whilst mining250Unlocks from the start0
JackhammerGives a chance to remove an entire layer of the mine500Research 1 Hour0
Veinminer Automatically breaks blocks of the same type you mine500Research 5 Hours0
TurtleHurl out a turtle shell that destroys blocks 100Research 10 Hours0
Beacon Finder Chance to find extra beacons as you mine250Research 15 Hours2
LaserChance to mine out straight lines around you250Research 24 Hours2
Fund Raiser Gift all players online tokens as you mine blocks 250Research 32 Hours2
PurityEvery 5 minutes of active mining, you will receive a temporary sell multiplier250Research 36 Hours3
LuckyA chance to find lucky crates whilst mining100Research 48 Hours4

EXP Shop:
The EXP shop is a brand new addition for Snapcraft, and is host to some epic boosters, keys and weekly ranks which can completely change the game! Earning EXP is simple, each block you mine will grant you 1 experience. You can see how much EXP you have by doing /xp in-game. Access the shop by doing /expshop and spend all that hard earned EXP!

You might also be able to sell some of your EXP and Boosters bought from the shop to players online! This would get you more resources than actually using the boosters for yourself. Do not be shy and ask around in the chat!

Boosters and Frenzy Event:
Keeping track of all your boosters is vital, you do not want them to go to waste, or potentially lose them! Luckily, we have a command for this, being /boosters. In this handy GUI you can view all your available boosters, and what they are. We have a variety of boosters to enhance your experience, run the command and take a look!

Please note, most of the boosters we have come in the form of a ‘Booster Cookie’ which are a physical item, and can be obtained in numerous ways. These being: Crates, /expshop, /goldshop, /ah and other players!

Just joined the server and cannot afford a booster? Then do not worry, every 6 hours the server will run the ‘Frenzy Event’ which will provide a random FREE booster to all players on the Prison Gamemode. You can find when, and what the next event will be by doing /booster and looking at the clock!

We’re all a bit lazy, even if we do not admit it! Sounds like a perfect time to introduce our Autominers feature! These miners will automatically break the blocks for you, and you can collect the money and tokens from their hardwork! You can do /am or /autominer to access the GUI.

Within this, you can change and upgrade many things! For example: Upgrading the pickaxe, disenchant the pickaxe upgrading their speed and sell multipliers, give them an epic boost, and most importantly, change their skin! My personal favourite is the Spiderman one!

In-order for your autominer to work for you, you need to provide them with fuel. This fuel can be obtained from: /kits, crates and /ah. Simply right click the autominer fuel, and it will be added into the account. Make sure to collect all the money and tokens that they give.

Gems and Inmate Costume:
Who doesnt love to look the part when they are in prison? We have provided all players with an inmate costume. This gives everyone a uniform, and most importantly gives them a helmet which can be upgraded to provide numerous perks for the player.

In-order to upgrade your helmet, you need some gems. These can be obtained in the following ways: Crates, /ah, /milestones, /prestige and just mining! You can also use a booster to increase the amount of gems you are receiving during the booster duration.

Simply hold your sneak key, and right click whilst holding your helmet to upgrade it. You need to have the required amount of gems for each upgrade. If you lose your in-mate costume, you can do /kit starter to get a new one. Be careful not to lose the one you have been upgrading though!

Please note: To get the bonus stats from the helmet, the entire set needs to be worn. You cannot mix and match, or just wear the helmet. This will cause set to not work, and you will not get anything for it.

Online Store and Goldshop:
Our Online Store still has a variety of ranks, items and perks for our players to choose from. Thank you for all your purchases, we would not be able to have Snapcraft, and continue its development without all of you.

We have also introduced a new currency to Snapcraft, which will be present in all gamemodes upon reset. This is Snapcraft Gold! This unique currency will be available on all servers to make in-game purchases on things such as: tags, crates, XP and so much more! You can buy Snapcraft Gold from our Store. This currency is global across the Network, so choose carefully what to spend it on!

Fed up of people taking all your blocks in public mines, and getting in the way? The private mine is the perfect solution! This allows you to have your own personal mine, with the option of inviting other players, if you want to be social!

You choose the structure of this mine, which you must have already unlocked through the /mines command. Not only can you pick and choose who is allowed, but you can tax people for it! They will mine, and you take a percentage of their earnings. Free money, never a bad thing!

You can purchase a privatemine of your own in the /goldshop, get super lucky from the officer crate, or ask really nicely in chat if someone has one you can buy.

There are so many more things you can do with your privatemine to make it so much better than the public mines. You can: increase the sell multiplier, make more beacons, invite more of your own trusted member and increase the amount of luckyblocks.

Click the spoiler to find all the privatemine commands, and what they do!
/privatemine help <Page>
Shows all available privatemine commands.

/privatemine create
Creates your privatemine if you have redeemed a token.

/privatemine show <Username>
Shows information about the users’ privatemine.

/privatemine invite <Username>
Invites the specified player to your privatemine.

/privatemine kick <Username>
Kicks the specified player from your privatemine.

/privatemine leave
Leave the privatemine you are currently stood at.

/privatemine visit <Username>
Visits the privatemine of the specified player.

/privatemine upgrades
View all the available upgrades.

/privatemine permissions
Configure the permissions of members and visitors.

/privatemine home
Teleports you to the default location of your privatemine.

/privatemine settax <Amount>
Sets the amount of tax percentage for your privatemine.

/privatemine resettax
Resets your privatemine tax to 0.

/privatemine claimtax
Claim all the tax money your privatemine has earned.

/privatemine public
Makes your privatemine public for all players to visit and mine.

/privatemine private
Makes your privatemine private, so only invited members can access.

/privatemine setmine
Choose the layout for your privatemine.

/privatemine ban <Username>
Bans the specified player from visiting your privatemine.

/privatemine accept <Username>
Accepts an invite.

/privatemine unban <Username>
Unbans the specified player from your privatemine.

/privatemine promote <Username>
Gives the specified player a higher rank in your privatemine.

/Privatemine demote <Username>
Lessens the role of the specified member.

/privatemine expel <Username>
Temporarily kicks a player from your privatemine and sends them to spawn.

/privatemine list
Shows all public privatemines.

/privatemine stats <Name>
Shows the stats of a privatemine.

Beacons and Gang Top:
On our Prison Gamemode, beacons have a slightly different function to normal Minecraft. They are certainly more important now. They get you free Snapcraft Gold, and can earn you real-life money towards the end of the season!

Beacons are scattered in every mine, and the top 3 gangs who deposit the most amount of beacons will receive a payout of Snapcraft Gold each week.
Please note:The number of beacons that have been deposited into the gang will be reset each time there is a payout, even if you do not make it onto the top 3 gangs. Any beacons in your /blocksbalance will not reset.

To view a leaderboard of who has deposited the most each week, type /g top in-game. You can deposit, or withdraw beacons by using the /g bank command.

Trading, Selling Items and Methods to Make Money:
Click the spoiler to see the many ways to make money on Prison!
Voting is a great way to earn quick, and most importantly FREE rewards! Type /vote in-game, or visit this page to cast your vote on the server. You will be rewarded with a Vote Key which will be given to you in-game, along with some Gems to make your inmate costume epic! You now get Snapcraft Gold for FREE by voting for our server. More information on this change can be found on our Discord under the #Announcements section.

We have completely revamped and improved the crate system on Prison. We have introduced new and exciting items which are a must have for the server! There are also a couple new crates for players to test their luck with. Good luck!

Mining keys can only be obtained through mining blocks! Use the ‘Turtle’ enchant to get these keys faster! Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Token keys can be obtained through mining blocks, and the mining crate, Use the ‘Turtle’ enchant to get these keys faster! Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Vote keys can only be obtained through voting on our Network. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Common keys can be obtained through mining, common key all, other crates, /milestones, and /goldshop. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Rare keys can be obtained through mining, rare key all, other crates, /milestones, and /goldshop. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Legendary keys can be obtained through other crates, /milestones, and /goldshop. Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

The Pickaxe key can only be obtained through /goldshop and provides players with unique and powerful pickaxes which cannot be obtained in any other way. Type /goldshop to buy yours now! Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

The Officer key can only be obtained through /goldshop and is the best crate on the server. Type /goldshop to buy yours now! Preview the rewards by left clicking the crate at /warp crates!

Coinflips and Tokenflips:
Feeling lucky? Our coinflip/tokenflip plug-in is perfect for you! You can bet money or tokens against our players on the server by creating a coinflip, and placing your money on either heads or tails! There is a 5% tax on all coinflip transactions unless you have a the boss rank, then there is no tax. Click the spoiler to find out how to use the feature!

See all available coinflips

/cf create <Heads/Tails> <Amount>
Makes a coinflip for specified amount.

/cf remove all
Removes all your conflips from /cf.

See all available coinflips

/tf create <Heads/Tails> <Amount>
Makes a coinflip for specified amount.

/tf remove all
Removes all your conflips from /cf.

Envoys are a vital part of Prison.. They give epic loot, and can give you the edge against other players. Every hour, 25 chests will drop from the sky into the PvP Arena. Be the first one to the chests to get the loot! They contain items like: money, armour, keys and much more! Make sure you’re there to collect them before everyone else does!

Auction House:
The Auction House is a place where you can sell individual items for a price that you set! To list an item on the Auction House, simply do /ah sell <Amount> whilst holding that item. To view the auction house and the items being sold, you use the command /ah. You can use the bar at the bottom of the GUI to navigate your way through a variety of options and menus in the auction house too!

The number of items you are allowed to list at one time depends on your rank. To list an item, you use the command /ah sell <Price>. You can then choose to either put the item up to sell just for that specified price or to allow bidding. To simply sell, run the command click the diamond. The item in your hand for others to purchase for 24 hours. Alternatively, click the emerald to allow players to bid on your item. The minimum bid will be the <Price>. After that, the sale will expire, and you can retrieve the item by doing /ah expired.

You can also sell your items for tokens, by typing /ah sell <Amount> token. The choice is yours!

Our milestones feature is a new and exciting way to rewards those players that love to grind and earn great rewards! Type /milestone in-game to see how many blocks you need to mine for each challenge. You can earn fantastic rewards, like: crate keys, money, gems and brand new tags!
Please note: The amount of blocks resets each time you have claimed the milestone. You will therefore need to mine the required amount of blocks again from the start. Make sure to keep checking this feature to not lose any efficiency!

We have introduced a new chestshop system on Snapcraft! Simply type /shopsign in-game to view the format. Place this sign on the front of a chest and your shop has been made!
Make sure you set the sell and buy price correctly. You can choose the item you want to sell or buy, and how much. To get the Item Code, hold the item and type /iteminfo and find the ‘Shop Sign’ ID.

Additional Commands/Features:
Here is a list of extra features that deserve to be mentioned but did not quite make it into their own category!

Mystery Man:
This mysterious figure lurks around the spawn area, (only on weekends) and allows players to buy unique and powerful items in exchange for your gems! Their inventory will refresh every 12 hours, and allow you to buy all their items! Can you find the location of the mystery man at our spawn?

Fancy your chances against the server?! Gamble your tokens at spawn by interacting with the NPCs. You can either gamble big, or start small! There is something for everyone. Please do not get too addicted though, easier said than done.

Lucky Blocks:
Lucky blocks are sponges which are scattered throughout the mine. Simply mine them, or have them break using an enchantment and you will receive some bonus tokens! The amount of tokens you receive can be increased in a privatemine, or by wearing your in-mate costume with the relevant upgrades. Tokens are vital for increasing the effectiveness of your backpack, so make sure they are breaking!

Got a spare pickaxe that is no longer used? The new merchant feature is perfect! Trade in your unwanted pickaxes to return some tokens to your account. The Merchant will only take pickaxes that have over 150 levels of combined enchantments though. They set their standard high!

Mail Delivery:
A safe and easy way to send packages to your friends, even when they are offline!

With our Delivery System, you can now surprise your friends with gifts and items, or simply send them a package to help them out in the game. And the best part? You can do it all with ease and safety!

To send a package, simply type "/maildelivery" followed by the player's name, and an inventory will pop up where you can drop your items into. The delivery man will then make sure that all your items are carefully packaged and delivered to your friend in one small package. If you change your mind or want to cancel the delivery, simply click the "Cancel" button.

With our new leaderboard system, you'll be able to view your exact position on every leaderboard, whether it's in spawn or the newly introduced leaderboards. This means that you'll be able to see your rank and how far you are from the next level or achievement. Whether it's your highest killstreak, or your PvP kills, you'll be able to keep track of your progress in real-time.

You can do /warp leaderboards to view how you shape up against the rest of the server! Keep grinding for #1 on all leaderboards!

Thank you for reading:
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide, we hope it helped! Everytime we add new content this guide will be updated and a #changelog will be made on our Discord.

Still have a question? Feel free to DM a staff member, or open a ticket on our Forums or Discord!

Kind Regards,
The Snapcraft Team
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