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Private/Custom Maps ($_$)


Tree Puncher
Firstly, I'll acknowledge that ZombieV is still in beta, and there are features not currently implemented which may be more than just vanity/cosmetic.

Anyhow, at current I feel that there isn't really too much of an incentive in ZombieV to spend real life money. VIP is for the most part vanity; besides VIP pets in the future. Zombie keys are good, but easily obtainable if there are not many players in a map. Mystic keys are to my knowledge only useful for gaining particle effects, which again are purely cosmetic. Money in general is reasonably easy to earn in-game, thus making equipment already easy enough to get/upgrade.

Often there are times when experienced players would much rather play in a controlled environment, be it for raising their kill count, earning money, or playing strategically with their friends. Often, this isn't possible when random players join mid-game and are more disruptive than helpful. Making rounds last much longer than they need to, hogging kills, and especially those players (you know who you are) who specifically wait until boss rounds to snatch the kill, when the other users had worked hard to reach that round.

I propose that a feature may be introduced which allows players to purchase the right to open up a private/custom ZombieV map.
Certain aspects may be selected such as;
  • Map difficulty
  • Map layout (when/if new maps other than urban are released)
  • Amount of players that may join
  • Setting the map to private (invite only) or public
This would be either part of the VIP package (or perhaps a higher tiered premium service), or a stand-alone purchase, be it permanent or a monthly subscription.

I feel that introducing this feature as a paid content will aid in increasing profits in ZombieV due to being a feature that gives the player complete control and freedom over how the play the game. I also feel that this feature puts ZombieV into an even playing field in terms of premium content, as most game modes tend to have premium content that assists greatly with progression, whilst ZombieV has mostly been for vanity/cosmetic purposes.

I'm positive I'm not the first person to think of this, or suggest it. But I didn't see any threads about it in this sub-forum so I thought why not? :-P (Yep, probably should check suggestions & feedback but it's 3am and I'm half-drunk sooo screw it :-D)
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Tree Puncher
I both agree and dissagre with you.
yes solo maps would be great but why would you have to pay for it???


Tree Puncher
When I come up with an idea, it's usually for business reasons rather than for player convenience. Though a combination of both is good.

There are a few reasons I feel that players should pay for this feature;
  1. If it was free, too many players would be creating private maps, and public maps would more than likely be fairly empty.
  2. It's a rewarding feature for those who have invested money into the game to help keep the servers running, encourage future development, and help pay off Maarten's diamond crusted jacuzzi.
  3. It makes paying money for the ZombieV game mode more worthwhile (like most other game modes) as it adds a new solid feature which isn't purely cosmetic.
  4. It gives a selection of players the tools necessary to contribute to the server in a unique way. If it was a free feature, it wouldn't be that special.
Sure, not everyone is able to cash out the money for such a feature, but that's exactly the point of it. It's something special to give thanks to those who help keep the servers running every month.


Tree Puncher
Ok now i get it.
+1 but id think making VIP,s be able to create solo arenas as much as they want while non Vips would be able to create it by paying some money and have a cooldown on it? That way they atleast get to solo somentimes.