Added PVP mine change

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First Step
Currently, my issue with PVP and others I speak to is that its way to easy to run and get out of PVP if you're being chased. I could make a list of things I would like to be done to counter it but a very simple and easy fix would be to disable some commands while inside the PVP mine. To be more specific disable the ability to tp out of the PVP mine completely. I say this because currently the easiest way to get of PVP is to run in a straight line and either have /ph or /spawn bound then up arrow and boom out of PVP that simple. It's very annoying. Another point I'd like to make is that in the Zodor PVP mine you cannot do any commands so why can you in the ACTUAL PVP mine? This change wouldn't completely counter it being stupid easy to get out of PVP but it sure would help and it would be a simple fix because the Zodor arena is already set up like this and its perfect.

With tping commands being disabled it would allow players to cut players off and use their bow more effectively and actually utilize the square shape of the PVP mine to keep people tagged so they would have to escape the PVP mine the correct way.


First Step
Another simple suggestion would be to add a simple tp timer even a 3second timer to tp to somewhere while inside the PVP would work.
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