Question about the rules


Zombie Killer
I have a question about the "Regarding Scamming" section in the rules(Here for whoever may not know what I am talking about). I have read the rules many times over, and I have meant to ask about it sooner but I kept forgetting... Anyways!

Here is the rule:

"It may not be pleasant to be scammed by another player, but it is impossible for us to stop and it is something that comes naturally in a Factions/Prison server, therefore scamming is allowed on the Factions/Prison server.

If you wish to make a safe trade you can use the auction house. Scamming with the auction house is not allowed.

While Survival, Skyblock and Kit PvP should be mostly friendly servers, we cannot prevent scamming, and we will not assist you in recovering losses if a player scams you. If you wish to trade safely, use the auction house or use chest/sign shops. Scamming with auction house or chest/sign shops is not allowed."

My question is, is scamming punishable with evidence on things other than the Factions/Prisons server? I understand that staff will not assist in lost items, but will the scammer be banned if evidence is given?


TheNextHero <3


Void Walker
Pictures might not help. Videos are the best source (as in any report)