
Do u think we should be able to by ranks with in game money?

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Zombie Killer
I have been thinking maybe we should be able to buy ranks with in game money? I would think that would be pretty cool and better for the community. :)
What do u think?


Zombie Killer
I do love you kambo :-P, but..... personally I think that's not that good of an idea because ranks are meant to be for donations for the server and you need donations to keep the server running. And obviously to get donations people need to pay money for the ranks.

That's just what I think. :-P


Zombie Killer
Maybe there could be different ranks?
I agree with you but if u make them different to irl money ranks and the in game ranks like 400K?
And love you to babe :-P


Diamond Miner
You can make deals with players to buy you a rank for 400k? Or just buy what ever you need whenever you need with that 400k.


Creeper Hugger
...? your point? xD
He means that if you're in a situation where you can't buy a rank with real money you could do a trade with a person to buy a rank for you, but in order for the person to buy specific rank for you, you would give the player 400k (in game money) :-P.


Obsidian Miner
I don't know... A lot of people might think this is a good idea (myself included) but it might get out of hand... Like players going for the in-game ranks much more often then the ranks that require real life money... it could divert attention and give less money to the server.


Stone Miner
To me, I dont think it's a great idea... I agree 100% with Ben. If this did follow through, I think, for example: In KitPvP, the rank "Warrior" would have to cost like 700M. Lol. -gameskull


Void Walker
If in-game earned ranks were added, then buying ranks from the webstore would lose its point seeing you can just buy a rank with in-game currency. And seeing the EULA, it's improbable. (Don't quote me on this)