Rip Log44log


Zombie Killer
What I've gotten from this thread is that a guy was killed while using his dia armor, and everyone is happy about it as he logs off whenever he gets in to trouble.
This means that he gets a high kdr and a high ks and a lot of people don't like him for it.
I don't mean to offend you guys but it sounds like a lot of you have been salty at this guy for a while and are all very happy he was finally killed - don't take that badly please, this is coming from someone who doesn't know many people from kit as I don't play it much.
Well gg on the kill anyways, and well played to those who killed him!

You wouldn't like him if he asks you to give him stuff and swears that he'll pay you back, but when you realize that he's never gonna pay you back, and stop giving him stuff he hates you and calls you a d-bag. Also he claims that he's better than people that he isn't and spends way too much time bragging about how rich he is, even tho he only got rich because of mainly me, and a few other people.


Gold Miner
Im teamed with lou @Craftermanz Im just suprised that he died He's one of the good pvp'ers on snap


Diamond Miner
Aight, this is just pure nonsense now. Don't talk crap about people on threads please.

If that's all this thread is, I'll just lock it. But c'mon, let's try and be nice no matter what our opinions may be of the person.