Pending Skyblock reset suggestion

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Tree Puncher
I just thought of some points that could make skyblock better again than it is currently. This all is just a personal wish for a new & better skyblock reset. If you have any more points I did not list here, add them below!

- Max. 80 spawners per island (240 with nether & end included) just as the season before the reset in Nov2020
- max. balance should be harder to reach
→ now everyone is having a big cow farm to gain lots of money (many people
already reached max. balance), this problem would be eliminated by a maximum of 80 spawners
- removing sellchests - way too op currently
- main focus on building again and not on having the biggest grinder and the most money
- more active playing required again → now its just Afk2Win, instead it should be Play2Win
- removing job points
- more pvp for rewards
- removing island missions
- removing chunk collectors
- gaining island worth mainly through placing blocks
- common and uncommon keys being in vote crate again
- new designed spawn

Summed up, just a better game balance. The success of a player should not just be there through afking. Players should actively do something instead for their success in skyblock!



Obsidian Miner
A lot of your suggestions are removing the newly implemented things and making the only objective be placing blocks..?


Tree Puncher
A lot of your suggestions are removing the newly implemented things and making the only objective be placing blocks..?
basically, yeah. For me skyblock is a game mode to build and play together with other users, and not being the biggest mf with the most money. But as I said its all just a personal wish


Staff member
80 spawners is very low, people are used to tens of thousands of spawners atm, so would put it at maximum 500 and maybe raise the amount of /lvl xp you get to compensate? :XD:
Make sellchests much harder to get, don't remove em. Same goes for chunk collectors
Agree with Play2win and not Afk2win, but for that you need goals to work for. Why remove /is missions and /jobs? Jobs are really good, but nerf the hunter job


Obsidian Miner
Agree with Bum’s stuff above