Added Skyblock suggestion


First Step
A couple other ideas I was thinking of

1: what if there was a world edit axe you could buy on the website and only use the materials in your inventory for world edit. (This would help people fill/ delete large portions of their island)

2: can there be a way to have the spawners stack when placing and say like (x3 skeleton) instead of placing them around in the grinder. I feel that would be much more easier. And also have a limit each spawner can hold like x10 for each.

3: can we have ig and creeper spawners added to /shop? (Ig: 13mil) (creeper: 7mil) or somewhere around that? Because it’s hard to find spawners when everyone wants to keep them instead of sell.


Creeper Hugger
1) I feel like the world edit thing might be too overpowered for a gamemode like skyblock. The objective is to make your island the highest level etc, but if you have a world edit tool you could literally press the buy full inventory of let's say end stone for example, and boom you're levelling up your island extremely quick. So for me that would be a little bit too overpowered.

2) I mean, I guess but I also don't see any problems with placing spawners how they're placed now to be honest.

3) I like this idea, could be nice to have stuff included in /shop, but extortionate prices otherwise people will just spam buy them, which would make things way too OP.


Staff member
1. That’s not how world edit works. Also skyblock is meant to be built by hand and not via plugin in my opinion.
2. Like joe said above.
3. That would break the eco more if you ask me and people who spent loads of money on buying spawners would just get mad.


First Step
Do you think for the spawner idea if the prices were more than what they are usually worth. That way people who already spent time buying them would have gotten them cheaper, and to avoid breaking the eco You could do the same thing? I feel adding more stuff to shop will allow people to work on setting goals to buying from there rather than going around asking. So people could still ask and if nobody has it they can buy from there so that there is always a 2nd option.