Soap's TMI/Intro


Tree Puncher
1. Real name: Isaac
2. Nickname — none —
3. Favorite color: Blue
4. Gender:Male
5. Race: Asian
6. Age: Thirteen
7. Sexuality: Straight
8. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
9. Hair color: Black
10. Tall or short: I'm counted as short... 175cm?
11. Sweats or jeans: jeans
12. Phone or camera: Phone
13. Health freak: Nope
14. Orange or apple: Orange
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Not ATM
16. Guy friends or girl friends: girls :t don't trust boys
17. Piercings: None
18. Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
19. Have you been in an airplane and how many times: yes. Couldn't count.
20. Have you been in a relationship: Eh, kind of?
21. Have you been in a car accident: Yep.
22. Have you been in a fist fight: Yep.
23. First piercing: None
24. Best Friend: Don't have many friends :)
25. First award: some award that my pre-kindergarten teacher gave me, that I've thrown away
26. First crush: forgot tbh
27. First word: Either it was dad or damn, couldn't really pronounce well
28. Any talent?: don't have much talent. Unless losing friends count.
29. Last person you talked to: my dad
30. Last person you texted: my horse riding coach, seeing if I could book a lesson
31. Last person you watched a movie with: Myself
32. Last thing you ate: an apple
33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Vampire Diaries
34. Last song you listened to: forgot...
35. Last thing you bought: Riding long boots :-P
36. Last person you hugged: Not exactly a person... My pillow

37. Food: Steak
38. Drink: Cream soda.
39. Fruit: Peach
40. Flower: none...
41. Animal: Horses
42. Color: blue, wasn't this a question already?
43. Movie: Vampire diaries. More of a TV show though
44. Subject: English.
45. Sport: Horseback riding
46. Sports Team: Don't do the sports thing.
47. Book: I don't really know... Don't read much
48. City: Hong Kong
49. Country: UK
50. Song: Not quite sure, there's a few I like

•Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No)
45. Fallen in love with someone: Yes.
46. Celebrated Halloween: Yes. I hate Halloween though
47. Had your heart broken: No
48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: Yes
49. Had someone like you: Yes
50. Hated the way someone changed: Yes.
51. Got in trouble with police: No.
52. Had a party: Not that I remember of. Don't like crowds
53. Did something you regret: yes
54. Broken a promise: Yes.
55. Hidden a secret: Yes.
56. Pretend to be happy: Yes
57. Met someone who has changed your life: Yes.
58. Pretended to be sick: Yes.
59. Left the country: Yes
60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yes.
61. Cried over the silliest thing: Yes.
62. Ran a mile: Yes.
63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: No. I hate beaches
64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: Not many friends, not really
65. Disliked someone: hated someone. Yes
66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: Yes

67. Eating: Nothing
68. Drinking: water
69. Listening to: My own breathing >.<
70. Sitting or laying: Laying.
71. Plans for today: horse riding
72. Waiting for: nothing
73. Want kids: Eh, idk.
74. Want to get married: Maybe.
75. Want to travel: Yes.

•What do you look for in a partner?
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Tall.
78. Younger or older: Idc, just not a lot younger, or a lot older
79. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Idk...
81. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Mix of both.

•Have you ever:
83. Lost glasses: Yes.
84. Snuck out of the house: Yes.
85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: No.
86. Killed somebody: Bloody obvious. No
87. Broke someone's heart: Idk
88. Been in love: Yes.
89. Cried when someone dies: Not many people die around me.

•Do you believe in:
90. Yourself: bloody hell. No
91. Miracles: Yes
92. Love at first sight: Yes.
93. Heaven: Yes
94. Santa Claus: No.
95. Aliens: No
96. Ghosts/ angels: Yes.

97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now. Yeah.
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Not quite sure
99. Do you believe in God: Yes
100. Do you easily make friends: easy no


Staff member
I'm not quite through this yet, I have no time (school). I want to do this too xd. Welcome though!

1. Real name: Andrew
2. Nickname: Guarde
3. Favorite color: Grey
4. Gender: Male
5. Race: European
6. Age: about 17
7. Sexuality: Homosexual
8. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
9. Hair color: Black
10. Tall or short: 158cm
11. Sweats or jeans: jeans
12. Phone or camera: Phone
13. Health freak: No
14. Orange or apple: Apple
15. Do you have a crush on someone: I can't make up my mind
16. Guy friends or girl friends: Guys. I don't trust girls
17. Piercings: None yet
18. Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
19. Have you been in an airplane and how many times: Yes, maybe 3 different times
20. Have you been in a relationship: Yes.
21. Have you been in a car accident: Yes.
22. Have you been in a fist fight: Only with my sister.
23. First piercing: None
24. Best Friend: Don't have many friends :) (leaving this as it is, as it is true)
25. First award: None
26. First crush: School crush
27. First word: No idea
28. Any talent?: don't have much talent. Unless losing friends count. (once again)
29. Last person you talked to: sysry in Minecraft, my grandma irl
30. Last person you texted: ex bf
31. Last person you watched a movie with: Myself
32. Last thing you ate: hot dog :3
33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Human Centipede 1
34. Last song you listened to: Mittsies - Stratum (Extended)
35. Last thing you bought: Animal Crossing New Leaf for 3DS
36. Last person you hugged: My blanket, just a moment ago.

37. Food: Toast, Cereals, Muesli, Yogurt, and (new) hot dog :3
38. Drink: Smoothy, water
39. Fruit: watermelon
40. Flower: cactus
41. Animal: deers, sharks, snakes,
42. Color: "grey, black, white," (actually, I like every colour)
43. Movie: Many; The Castle in The Sky, Nausicäa of the Valley of the winds, etc.
44. Subject: English
45. Sport: shooting, table tennis, workouts
46. Sports Team: none
47. Book: The Boy in the striped pyjamas...
48. City: London, Broadstairs, etc.
49. Country: UK
50. Song: too many to count. Here are some of my most favourites: Jenny - Studio Killers, Galantis - Runaway (U & I) [Premiere], Save Ferris - Come One Eileen

•Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No)
45. Fallen in love with someone: Yes
46. Celebrated Halloween: Only trick or treated
47. Had your heart broken: Yes
48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: Yes
49. Had someone like you: Yes
50. Hated the way someone changed: Yes........
51. Got in trouble with police: Kinda, it wasn't my fault though.
52. Had a party: No.
53. Did something you regret: A lot (yes)
54. Broken a promise: Yes.
55. Hidden a secret: Yes.
56. Pretend to be happy: All day, everyday.
57. Met someone who has changed your life: Yes.
58. Pretended to be sick: Yes.
59. Left the country: Yes
60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: I don't know
61. Cried over the silliest thing: Yes.
62. Ran a mile: Yes.
63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: No ._.
64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: Yes
65. Disliked someone: Yes
66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: No

67. Eating: Nothing
68. Drinking: nothing
69. Listening to: Come on Eileen by Save Ferris
70. Sitting or laying: sitting
71. Plans for today: relaxing
72. Waiting for: :-D An answer on my...
73. Want kids: NOPE.
74. Want to get married: No
75. Want to travel: Yes

•What do you look for in a partner?
76. Lips or eyes: both
77. Shorter or taller: doesn't matter
78. Younger or older: Doesn't matter
79. Romantic or spontaneous: both
80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: don't really mind
81. Hook up or relationship: hook up
82. Looks or personality: Mix of both

•Have you ever:
83. Lost glasses: Yes.
84. Snuck out of the house: Yes
85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: No
86. Killed somebody: No
87. Broke someone's heart: I don't know.
88. Been in love: Yes.
89. Cried when someone dies: Yes.

•Do you believe in:
90. Yourself: mhh, not really.
91. Miracles: No
92. Love at first sight: Yes
93. Heaven: No
94. Santa Claus: No
95. Aliens: Yes
96. Ghosts/ angels: skeptical

97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now. Yes
98. Do you know who your real friends are: No
99. Do you believe in God: N- O
100. Do you easily make friends: No
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