Added Suggestions for Prison :)


Tree Puncher

-Like on kitpvp when someone mentions your name it turns yellow, can this be added to prison or the entire server?

-add /filter, so While gpicking we wouldn't pickup any rotten flesh, armors from ghosts or any item.

-make /warp prestige mines Shorter, like /warp p1, /warp p2, /warp p3

(if some of these suggestion has been already suggested I'm sorry)


Obsidian Miner
I like these suggestions :) And I think the shorter warps have been mentioned a couple of times, lmao.


Obsidian Miner
I like these tbf, the yellow name is a really cool feature that would work great on all servers


Staff member
First suggestion is kind of meh, cause you can just use a mod for that, a filter used to exist but barely anyone used it and it was bugging out so it got removed so idk if that would be implemented again


Creeper Hugger
As a staff member I would love your first suggestion, as not only is the name highlighted it also gives a little sound notification so its really helpful for me as a staff member, and I'm sure normal players find it helpful also.

The second notification, I suppose if it works on kitpvp it can work elsewhere

This third notification has been suggested multiple times and agreed on multiple times but has never actually been implemented, its a small little addition and would be nice and useful.


Tree Puncher
Pretty great suggestions you got going here!
I really would love to see the yellow nametag pop up in chat for every server, as a lot of the time chat can get junked up with messages and stuff and make it hard to see if someone is trying to reach out ot you.

Filter would be useful for prison, I don't like picking up the junk, like armor and rotten flesh that the little zombies drop when you dig a block.

For the third suggestion, it may be useful to see this become a thing.