Tyman241 YT rank application

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First Step
Hello, my name is Tyler or Tyman241 I have been on Snapcraft for awhile, its where I originally started my YouTube videos back on Hunger Games. I have been off YouTube for about a year and I wanted to get back into it and I thought why not where I first started my videos. I have 4,877 subscribers, 1.9 million views in total. My views aren't the best on the most recent videos cause they would come out week apart cause of irl situations but I can start making videos and Snapcraft is where I want to start making Minecraft videos again.

Youtube: Tyman241 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Tyman241/
Skype: tyler.payne518


Gold Miner
I don't know much about this kind of thing but I think your better off speaking to Maarten about this sort of thing.


Gold Miner

Very neat channel! I would recommend to make some more recent videos so we can see how your traffic works out! You do hit the minimum sub count, but we need to see the views with more recent videos! But really cool channel!

Also a recommendation - no need to post your skype, for your own safety I would recommend removing it.

Overall, best of luck :-D


Zombie Killer
Hi there!

I see you have been very inactive on youtube. I also don't see any snapcraft related content. You do have the required amount of subscribers!

For the youtube rank, you'll have to message Maarten (the owner) here on the forums. He can tell you what you still need to do in order to receive a youtube rank.

Good luck! :)
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