Pending Vote Crate Ranks


First Step
Across the sub-servers, vote crates can reward players a rank. For new players, or those who don't want to spend money, this is really helpful feature. However, if a player has already won the rank, or purchased it (or a higher rank) from the store, this renders the reward completely useless.
From a brief conversation in the Prison lobby, many players agree there should be some kind of alternative reward in place.

I would suggest:
Gems - Giving the player an equal (or slightly less) amount of gems. This allows the player to still enjoy their reward, and may also use it for other sub-servers.
Making the rank a paper coupon - This was highly suggested during the brief discussion in the Prison lobby. It would allow the player to use it for themselves if they don't already own the rank, sell the rank for in-game money, or trade it for an IRL deal. It could also mean players could exchange the rank coupon across sub-servers (like many do with vote keys).
Refund/Removal - The option to win the rank is completely removed from the player's loot table. This would be the most difficult to implement, as it would mean different crate loot for each player. Or a refund of the key, to give the player another chance at an item, instead of the key being simply wasted instead.

Thanks for listening to the idea, I urge you to leave more suggestions and your thoughts down below :)

TL;DR: Ranks out of vote crates should be changed so that players already with the rank (or higher) still get rewards, instead of the key being wasted

Edit: Same ideas also would work the the 'lucky' tag, incase its drawn twice
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Staff member

If you already have a higher rank, I don't see why you would need the crate rank. Plus with the lucky tag, if you pull it twice, you only get it once with no compensation.


Staff member
It costs nothing to vote and to get something like gems for it would be busted as heck. And for the paper thing, it would just open up new opportunities for scamming.

And if you were to alter crates based on your current rank, the server would lose out on a lot of money.


Obsidian Miner
I do agree with creating it into a paper to claim, it can be sold, traded, etc. for more value and make it less useless.

Everything in the crates have some form of use even if it’s the smallest bit of use, so I do see a reasoning to make this a paper claim.

I disagree with all other options.


Obsidian Miner
I agree with wowoow


Obsidian Miner
I think the paper coupon is a neat idea.


Gold Miner
A paper coupon for the low rank is a good idea. For both the Lucky tag and the rank reward, the chance of receiving them is extremely low, so if you somehow roll two or more of a Lucky tag, I think that you'd just have to consider yourself extremely lucky rather than receive some other form of compensation! :-D


Staff member
Not all players want to have ranks, so getting a paper coupon that they do not have to use on themselves but are able to sell to other players is a good idea.
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