What If... O_o


Gold Miner
We would be dead, as the sun wouldnt be there :-(

What if one thing different happened before we were born in our parents lives?


Tree Puncher
We would all be shunned by society, as we sit down to out computer regularly...:3
(This was for what if sitting down wasn't normal)
What if everyone on this thread was a famous youtuber?


Zombie Killer
There would be no Minecraft ;-;

What if we discovered a way to make a warp drive, making traveling across the galaxy so much easier?


Gold Miner
We would proberly find aliens ._.

What if there were no rules? What would you do first?


Zombie Killer
I would sit on them and let them fly me around

What if the walking dead (zombie invasion) actually happened in real life, right now? (What would you do)


Creeper Hugger
Everything would go as the movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" :v:-P

What if you were stranded alone on an abandoned tropical island?


Zombie Killer
I would find a soccer ball and name it Wilson. (Like if you get the reference)

What if your best friend died, like right now? (Be creative, something like I would cry and go into a depression or something like that)