Looking for employment.


Stone Miner
I'm relatively new to the Survival server (although I've been playing MC since 2011), but once I get my region finished, I'll be standing in the city offering my services to those who require them.

Anything really tedious, like cutting down trees, landscaping, mining, farming, or defending a designated spot will be fine.

I also take on more complex jobs, and regularly go out into the wild and salvage people's old abandoned projects. If you've got an eyesore abandoned project you want removed, just give me a call.

Payment can be with money or with items, either will work. I provide my own equipment and sustenance.

Noticed most people have big projects that they never finish because they need an extra hand, so I'm here to gather resources and help people build. Cheers.

...and yes, my name is Trickstere ingame too.

At my city, there is a 21*21 area that I want you to clear out for a building. I will pay you 10k to do it and you can do it whenever you want. Just friend me and when I'm on, you can msg me about it.