Skyblock is dead - How to revive it?


Tree Puncher
First of all, before anyone wonders why I'm about to complain, I'd like to set a base.

I've been on Snapcraft since December 2018. Over the months, I've upgraded my ranks on 3 different servers. I'm Eagle on Skyblock (highest rank), Ultra on Survival (highest rank), and Royal on realms (second to highest rank). So it's safe to say I've invested at least $500 (before you call me p2w, that money didn't come from my own pocket - 95% of it came from IRL deals, which are allowed on the server), coming from ranks, legendary keys, level boosters, etc. Same goes for my partner, Verisimility. He has the exact same ranks that I have. That puts us at an easy $1,000 invested in this server between us.

So, you might ask, was the last paragraph a weird flex? Well, no. If I (or anyone else) invest in a server, I/we expect it to run pretty smoothly, having little bugs that are fixed promptly & stuff like that. Also, I/we expect to see new things being implemented once in a while. Keep the player's interest so it doesn't become boring.

Skyblock had been great when I started, pretty interesting overall & the community was active. But as the months went by, it started getting boring. Nothing considerably new was being implemented, nothing exciting to keep the players going. Now to be clear, I'm not saying there should be a new shiny thing every week, but it has been the exact same for the last almost 2 years (maybe more, I haven't played for that long) which is just insulting for the players.

Current state of Skyblock? For anyone not playing, Skyblock is pretty much dead. A few people are still playing, the /ah (auction house) consists of 90% advertisement from players, chat is dead, etc. Needless to say, half of the already few players are not even real players (almost everyone on Skyblock knows about the bot situation, so how about we stop pretending it's not happening?).

When it comes to the gameplay, the system is outdated to say the least. 80 spawner limit? Really? 60 hoppers? $200M balance limit? I mean sure, weird flex again, but I - and many others - have reached every limit you can reach on Skyblock, part of the reason I'm not really playing anymore. Compared to other servers like Survival or Realms, where you're not limited whatsoever, why is Skyblock so capped?

Another broken thing is /Island top. We used to have thousands of level because you could just grind Packed Ice. That got patched, the levels were removed, and then players found another block to spam. Same story again, until now, when "every block was nerfed & you can't spam them". But that's obviously not the case. You can still grind Endstone (everyone on Skyblock will boo me for this). I don't think it's normal to just grind a block, have it nerfed, grind another and so on, because the players are not getting that wasted time back.

So considering Skyblock hasn't been reset in at least 3 years, I & lots of other players think it's time for a reset. I'll be providing a few ideas if someone will ever take them into consideration:
  1. Increase the limits. Here I'm referring to the balance limit, spawner limit, hopper limit, chest limit, redstone limit, etc.
  2. Re-work the /Island top. I'd propose a similar system to Realms. For anyone that's not familiar, I think that the Island levels should be obtained by placing down valuable blocks, especially spawners. For example, if I place an Iron Golem Spawner, I'll be getting x levels. Or, if I don't want to invest in spawners, I can just grind for valuable blocks (diamond blocks, emerald blocks, etc.)
  3. Vote party rewards. As far as I know, on every server when the vote party occurs, you get a vote key. That's not the case on Skyblock, but it should be.
  4. Add the possibility to increase Island size by paying in-game money. Currently, the default Island size is 100x100. You can get 150x150 by upgrading to the highest rank, or even higher by purchasing it separately from store (200x200, 250x250). I think that shouldn't be the only option. I think it would be more interesting to have the possibility to upgrade the island by paying in-game money (not cheap, obviously). So for example, if my Island size is 100x100, I'd have to pay x amount of money to upgrade to 110x110 and so on. This feature can implement increasing the limits of the things mentioned above. So you'd not only increase the size, but also the hopper limit, spawner limit and so on.
  5. Upgrade the Skyblock server to a newer version of Minecraft. We've been on 1.12 for so long. How about upgrading the server to 1.14 for example? Considering Skyblock very much relies on building, having new blocks & mechanics would make the game more interesting & refreshing.
  6. Add a Creative gamemode for higher ranks. Just like Survival, it'd be cool to be able to build on Creative (limited blocks, of course). Like mentioned above, Skyblock would benefit from some enhanced building methods.
  7. Add Dungeons and/or worthy quests. I know Skyblock currently has quests you can do, but let's be honest, they're just plain bad. You don't get anything good out of them. So my suggestion is, make them harder & increase the reward. Also, dungeons would be a nice edition.
I know a few of these have been suggested before, but I wanted to emphasize on the fact that Skyblock needs a reset. I'm looking forward to your opinions.

Thanks for reading.


First Step
with these new features, i really think it will make a difference in the community, especially in this quarantine situation, itll give people a reason to stay on the server more and play more with people, also adding random features such as some of the ones on other servers for individuals will be a great addition, like the silly commands on creative for example, will give people nice laughs. everything all in due to bringing back the community, and making the server a place not full of mainly toxic players where someone has to call a staff every few hours (we all know you get tired of getting called for it. lets make a change in that)


First Step
I agree with legitimately EVERYTHING in this. I think that it will increase the players, laughs and gags. adding all this stuff will definitely make me personally invest more money/time into the server. I love these ideas.


Stone Miner
I agree to 100%


Obsidian Miner
Probably, not many people play it though anyway so its not a pressing concern


First Step
Ya i agree no reset cuz think of the things people have bought like all of their IG's all of it would go away but besides that this seems good!


Stone Miner
I have mixed feelings about this because the last reset in 2017, caused a lot of people to leave which caused the server to start slowly dying. But I guess it also brought in some new players. Also a lot of items people have purchased with irl money would disappear probably causing people to leave. I suggest doing a update instead of a reset to add some of these features. Good points though.


Obsidian Miner
I have mixed feelings about this because the last reset in 2017, caused a lot of people to leave which caused the server to start slowly dying. But I guess it also brought in some new players. Also a lot of items people have purchased with irl money would disappear probably causing people to leave. I suggest doing a update instead of a reset to add some of these features. Good points though.
some things you need to do a reset for though


Tree Puncher

some things you need to do a reset for though
maybe not a reset, but a new skyblock for those players who are bad at the normal one and wants to start on something new. and this is one of the only few servers out there which do not reset which is great, resetting now would just cause many players to quit.


Obsidian Miner
maybe not a reset, but a new skyblock for those players who are bad at the normal one and wants to start on something new. and this is one of the only few servers out there which do not reset which is great, resetting now would just cause many players to quit.
maybe idk


Obsidian Miner
resetting would be great if we actually get what we paid for, like keys, enchant tokens and items that we bought from webstore.
agreed, i guess.


Stone Miner
agreed, i guess.

Yes resetting is good, but only if you want to wipe everything out especially since we just had one 3 years ago. In this case wiping everything out just to add a couple of new features to make the server better, would make the server even more dead sadly :-( I think adding these things would be great, but wiping out everyone's islands, spawners, ect, would cause the server to lose it's players who have spent hours into their island.


Tree Puncher
Yes resetting is good, but only if you want to wipe everything out especially since we just had one 3 years ago. In this case wiping everything out just to add a couple of new features to make the server better, would make the server even more dead sadly :-( I think adding these things would be great, but wiping out everyone's islands, spawners, ect, would cause the server to lose it's players who have spent hours into their island.
As long as we get what we paid for, we all will be happy:) but it is very unlikely since this server wants to make money. No point resetting it only causes people to quit the server, want new players open a new skyblock. Resetting the server wont attract old players to come back lol and if no players are coming back, you wont have an increase in players in the server. Server will continue to grow as it is. Maybe some suggestions instead of a reset, make massive updates like change of spawn, pvp , add purchasable from webstore minions and add like a battle pass which has exclusive rewards like many games do.


Tree Puncher
Maybe for once listen to the people that actually makes an impact for people coming on the server, no offence but not people like Verisimility or aph0, they are great people but they dont make people wanna come on the server. Me and my team create wars with people which makes pvp alive, and i hate to say this but dream team which consists of lleen and their team just joined skyblock and made it to is top, resetting server will only make them lose their progress that they worked hard for. Me and lleens team actually make people come on servers to fight and this whats make the server alive. So i would like to emphasise again NO RESET , please make a huge update to the server or just create a new one.


First Step
A reset would kill the server I feel like. I have personally been playing for nearly 2 years and I have spent upwards of $250 on this server. I have grinded my island up and created a place I am proud of with my closest friends. Personally, adding more such as the ability to buy a bigger island, increase in spawner/hopper limit, and something that makes even the end game players such as I, grind once again. A dungeon or something of the sorts is a great idea. Marten, if you read this, the skyblock and snapcraft community as a whole is willing to shoot ideas your way and contribute to the server to revive it to its former glory. Thanks, Joe


Tree Puncher
A reset would kill the server I feel like. I have personally been playing for nearly 2 years and I have spent upwards of $250 on this server. I have grinded my island up and created a place I am proud of with my closest friends. Personally, adding more such as the ability to buy a bigger island, increase in spawner/hopper limit, and something that makes even the end game players such as I, grind once again. A dungeon or something of the sorts is a great idea. Marten, if you read this, the skyblock and snapcraft community as a whole is willing to shoot ideas your way and contribute to the server to revive it to its former glory. Thanks, Joe
yes i agree. whats the point of playing on a server, building up your nice island, buying keys and enchant tokens, just to have it reset ??? Espacilly we are at a time where new players coming in, as i mentioned espacially dream team, all kit players. Server is doing well without reset and will do extremely better with just an amazing update. Marteen we all want the server to do well as much as you do.